Chapter 312

"Have you robbed houses, murdered and set fires, and forced good people into prostitution?" Yan Fei was stunned for a moment when Ye Yayan said this, obviously, he didn't expect Ye Yayan to ask this question.

In fact, this is also very understandable, if the average person would never ask such a question.

However, Ye Yayan is not an ordinary person. If she wants to know whether the guess in her heart is correct, she has to ask step by step.

"Of course, it's impossible!" Yan Fei would never do anything against his conscience, and he never even killed anyone.

It's just that he never mentioned this to anyone.

"No?" Ye Yayan frowned upon hearing Yan Fei's words, it shouldn't be!
Although I don't know much about Yan Fei, but he can become the overlord of one side, it can't be so simple!

Suddenly, Ye Yayan noticed a look of annoyance in Yan Fei's eyes. Could it be that there is something she missed?
After a long time, Ye Yayan spoke again, and this opening made Yan Fei's face even more rosy.

Of course, this so-called rosiness is just an illusion.

"Don't tell me, you haven't even killed anyone? Whether it's a good person or a bad person?" Ye Yayan didn't know if his brain was kicked by a donkey, but he asked such a question.

If you ask this to a three-year-old child, you may be able to give you an affirmative answer, but now she is asking Yan Fei, who used to be the overlord of a party, this is really a funny question.

However, to Ye Yayan's surprise, Yan Fei actually nodded.


When Yan Fei nodded, Ye Yayan froze in place, with nothing but disbelief in his eyes.

This is really unexpected!

How can it be?

How could he not have killed anyone?

In Sky Continent, even if you don't provoke others, others will provoke you. Therefore, killing people is also a common thing, especially since he is still the overlord of one party. This made her somewhat unable to accept this answer.

But it is so!
He, Yan Fei, did not kill a single person, even if he committed the most heinous crimes, he did not kill anyone.

After a long time, Ye Yayan sighed heavily.

"Then how did you die? Don't tell me that you couldn't bear to kill, and you were killed after letting people go?" Although this is Ye Yayan's guess, there is already an 80.00% possibility, that is in this way.

"En!" At this point, Yan Fei didn't nod, but spit out such a word very plainly.


At this moment, Ye Yayan couldn't help but complain.

There are still such stupid people in this world!

After Yan Fei admits to being stupid, I am afraid that he will never be able to catch up with him again.

This is definitely the ancestor of the fool!
Yan Fei is definitely a talent!

After hearing Yan Fei's words, Ye Yayan had only one sentence to describe it.

"No wonder he has a different aura from others, so he has never killed anyone!" Ye Yayan understood why Yan Fei was different from other ghosts.

"Master, I have to say that you are lucky, he can become a saint!" Inadvertently, Bai Ze revealed such a big message.


If these words came from other people's mouth, Ye Yayan would definitely scoff, but if these words came from Bai Ze's mouth, the meaning is quite different.

Could it be that Yan Fei can really achieve the body of a saint?

But, he is a ghost!
"He is a good man of the ninth generation. When the time comes, he can achieve the body of a saint. Master, you have made a lot of money this time!" Bai Ze said with emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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