Chapter 336 Wan Jianzong


The moment Luo Lihao and Ye Yayan turned to leave, suddenly, the sound of a sword sounded.

The sound of the sword's sound shook the entire sunset forest, and the red light illuminated the entire sky, and the soaring red was released at this moment.

Looking at the sky that seemed to be soaked in blood, Luo Lihao frowned slightly, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recovered his calm. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice that Luo Lihao Fundus changes.

"What's the situation?" The sudden sound of the sword's cry made people palpitate and frightened. Under such power, they were like ants, unable to lift their heads at all.

"Thousands of swords screaming together, this is a sign of something wrong with Wan Jianzong!" When talking about Wan Jianzong, Luo Lihao's voice was so low. Obviously, this Wan Jianzong has something to do with Luo Lihao, otherwise , he will not have such a situation.

Although Ye Yayan was aware of it, she didn't ask any more questions, because she knew that she was not qualified to touch Luo Lihao's world until her own strength had grown.

She naturally knows how strong he is, and the only thing she can do is to make her own strength stronger enough for people to look up to, and this also takes time to accumulate.

Ye Yayan's talent and aptitude are naturally nothing to say, but her internal strength is balanced, and she can break through only when she reaches the peak at the same time, not like other people who can break through as long as they reach the breakthrough point.

This is also where Ye Yayan is more anxious.

If there is no suitable treasure impact, her strength will be useless even if she reaches the peak. Therefore, her improvement will require a hundred times, or even a thousand times more than ordinary people.

"Wan Jianzong, does it also exist in Yuntian Continent?" Ye Yayan actually doesn't know much about the forces in Yuntian Continent. She only knows that the Ye family has a good status in Yuntian Continent. The old family, the Ye family can't be brought to the surface.

"Yes, there is Wan Jianzong in every continent. Wan Jianzong not only represents a sect, but also represents a kind of power, a power that is above other families!" Li Hao's evaluation was a bit high.

Although Ye Yayan had never been in contact with Wan Jianzong, but from Luo Lihao's words, she really wanted to enter Wan Jianzong to have a look.

"Yan'er, with your current strength, entering Wanjianzong is the rhythm of death!" Luo Lihao naturally understood what Ye Yayan thought, but after understanding this, he laughed a little.

Wan Jianzong can be said to be a gathering place for geniuses. Although Ye Yayan is a unique genius in his heart, but if she enters Wan Jianzong with such strength, she will definitely end up being wiped out.

"Wan Jianzong is a true concentration camp for geniuses. As long as you enter Wanjianzong, becoming a god will not be a dream. Wanjianzong recruits disciples very strictly. Even disciples from outside sects are not accessible to ordinary people. This time , Wan Jianzong's ten thousand swords are screaming together, I don't know what to do?" Luo Lihao couldn't figure out Wan Jianzong's purpose.

Wan Jianqiming, this kind of thing has happened before, and more than once, but every time there is a major event, and according to his inference, it is impossible for a major event to happen in the near future.

Wan Jianzong, what is the purpose of doing this?
At this moment, Luo Lihao's head spun at high speed, he was thinking about Wan Jianzong's purpose.

I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come up with a reason. If this is the case, I can only take one step at a time!

(End of this chapter)

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