The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 349 The Inner Sect Disciple

Chapter 349 The Inner Sect Disciple
Although the Sunset Forest is full of dangers, opportunities also exist. If the Sunset Forest is closed, where will they go in the future?

Especially Ye Zihan and the others, they all had a look of despair on their faces at the moment.

Although they were cold-hearted towards the family, they still wanted to return to the family with a high profile. They believed that as long as they found the crystal nucleus of the divine beast, they would have a reason to compete for the heir of the family, or even the position of patriarch.

But now, there is nothing.

Although the closure of the Sunset Forest was only a short period of time in the past, it has already spread in the town closest to the Sunset Forest. When Ye Zihan and the others heard this, everyone was stunned, and then their eyes widened. He looked at Luo Lihao cautiously.

If this matter had nothing to do with Luo Lihao, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed, but if it had anything to do with it, then what level of Luo Lihao's strength had reached.

Closing the Sunset Forest, such an ability, even a god-level powerhouse can't do it!

But now, the fact happened after Luo Lihao left.

Here, what happened?
At this moment, Ye Zihan and the others were eager to explore, but after meeting Luo Lihao's gaze, everyone's thoughts faded away.

Luo Lihao, it's too scary!

Even now that he didn't show any expression, they still felt scared, and this fear seemed to be carved into their bones.

"Hey, Sunset Forest is closed. I wonder if it's because the Black Wind Valley is about to open?" Suddenly, Passerby A who was walking beside the crowd said such a sentence.

When Ye Yayan and the others heard the word Black Wind Valley, their eyes lit up, as if they had encountered an oasis in the desert, feeling that hope was ahead.

Black Wind Valley is a dangerous place on Yuntian Continent, but it is opened once in a hundred years. This time, counting the time, it is indeed about to open.

Compared with Sunset Forest, the opportunities in Black Wind Valley are greater. As long as you dare to break through and fight, then generally speaking, the rewards will be very large.

"I did hear that Black Wind Valley is going to open, but I also heard that Wan Jianzong is going to recruit disciples!" Another explosive news broke out from Passerby B.


When they heard that Wan Jianzong wanted to recruit disciples, Ye Zihan and the others showed longing looks, and even Hua Feifei's face was moved at this time.

Wan Jianzong, can be said to be the oldest sect on Yuntian Continent, if Wan Jianzong recognizes the second, then the others dare not recognize the first.

At this time, unexpectedly hearing that Wan Jianzong wanted to recruit disciples, at this moment, the entire Yuntian Continent was about to boil.

Wan Jianzong has not recruited disciples for a long time, and according to reliable sources, this time, the recruits are still inner disciples. Once recruited into Wan Jianzong, they will be inner disciples.

As long as they think of the words "inner disciples", everyone's hearts are burning.

In their view, inner disciples are like the stars in the sky, untouchable, but now, there is such a big opportunity in front of them, if they don't grasp it well, it will be thunderous of.

Take it, they have to take it.

"How is it possible for Wan Jianzong to recruit inner disciples? If it is true, how much would it cost? I don't think I have the ability to become a disciple of Wan Jianzong!" Similarly, such words fell into the ears of others .

Wan Jianzong's inner disciple is not so easy to be, how could he become an inner disciple so easily without paying a certain price, and this person's words also resonated with the crowd!

(End of this chapter)

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