Chapter 352

"Come along, too!" He can ignore these people, but Ye Yayan can't, especially Ye Zihan, from Ye Yayan's reaction before, it can be seen that Ye Zihan is very important to her.

Since it is Ye Yayan's important person, it is also his important person, and the others are treated as gifts.

Hearing Luo Lihao's words, everyone naturally wouldn't reject them. They also knew that Luo Lihao was about to say something about Wan Jianzong, and these things were unknown to them.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became hot.

The inside story of Wan Jianzong, I feel hot when I think about it.

After Leng Huaqing opened the room, everyone gathered in the same room, carrying small stools, waiting to listen to Luo Lihao's speech.

Seeing everyone's actions, Ye Yayan laughed unconsciously. This feeling is like returning to college. The college life used to be like this every day.

Holding a small stool, knocking melon seeds, chatting gossip, the past was so beautiful, there was no intrigue, no disputes, everything was so pure and beautiful.

But now, I live in fear every day. If I am not careful, my life will be in danger, and my spirit is always tense.

Seeing the smile on Ye Yayan's face, everyone was a little puzzled.

"Don't worry about me!" Ye Yayan smiled a little embarrassedly when he saw the eyes of everyone staring at him.

"Wan Jianzong, how much do you know?" Luo Lihao said directly. If you want to enter Wanjianzong, you must know yourself and the enemy.

"Wan Jianzong is the largest sect on Yuntian Continent. It is said that in Wanjian Zong, there are countless god-level powerhouses, and the respected ranks are all over the place. There are as many emperor-level sects as dogs!" Feng Linghan said this At that time, his eyes were full of helplessness.

Even if they are geniuses, they can reach the peak of the king rank at present, and they are still one step away from entering the emperor rank. Although it is only one step, it is a gap that is difficult to bridge.

With such strength, how can they enter Wanjianzong? They also know this, but if they don't work hard, they feel sorry for themselves.

There is such an opportunity in front of them, if they don't cherish it, they will regret it for the rest of their lives.


It was a long time for them, and they didn't want to spend endlessly in regret, even if they paid their lives for it, they would not hesitate.

"You know, Wan Jianzong does not only exist on this continent, Wan Jianzong is also standing on other continents!" Luo Lihao admired this point.

If it is just to stand on one continent, then it is just a trick, but now, basically as long as there are humans, there are Wan Jianzong. It can be said that Wan Jianzong covers the whole world.

"Ah?" Luo Lihao's words surprised everyone, if it wasn't from Luo Lihao's mouth, they would never believe it.

In their view, Wan Jianzong's status in Yuntian Continent is already very high, but now, Luo Lihao's words let them know that Wan Jianzong is an immortal myth.

There are Wan Jianzong on all continents, how huge it is.


Everyone suddenly realized how great an honor it is to be an inner disciple of Wan Jianzong, but looking at Luo Lihao's expression, there seemed to be a trace of disdain.

In fact, there is no trace of disdain in Luo Lihao's eyes, but full of disdain.

Wan Jianzong, that is a beast in Buddha's light!
The entire top management of Wanjianzong are not good guys!
(End of this chapter)

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