Chapter 354

Even though they didn't know how strong Luo Lihao was, just his previous move let them know that this man was not easy.

With a light wave of the hand, they can be sent directly out of the sunset forest, and even sent them directly to the market town. This is not something that casual people can do. Even if they are god level, they believe that There is no such means.

An existence beyond the god level!
At this moment, they all thought so in their hearts.

Beyond the god level, this is definitely something they can't dream of. The gift given by such a person is absolutely unusual.

At this time, even Ye Yayan opened a pair of curious eyes, she really wanted to know what gift Luo Lihao would bring out.

She also understood that the reason why Luo Lihao would say this and offer the gift was entirely for her sake, without her, he would never even give Ye Zihan and the others a second glance.

Just like this, her feelings for Luo Lihao are also deepening little by little.

Even if he didn't say anything or do anything, all he expressed was thinking about her.

Ye Zihan is her younger brother, so she naturally wouldn't just watch him go to die, but with her current strength, even self-protection is a problem, let alone Ye Zihan, so, Luo Li Hao's opening can be regarded as a solution to her danger.

"Formation, the five of you can just form a formation!" Luo Lihao also had considerations in taking out the formation.

In Wanjianzong, there are basically no friends. Even outside, they are friends who can give their backs to them, but once they enter Wanjianzong, their friendship will deteriorate as time goes by.

But, now, the formation he taught them can make their friendship firm and unstoppable.

If they want to survive, none of the five of them should be missing. This formation must be activated with the strength of the five of them, and this formation can also protect them from being wiped out in Wanjianzong.

Their own strength is not bad, especially Hua Feifei, who has reached the peak of the imperial level at this time, if she is the eye of the formation, the power of the formation will be even greater.

"Array?" When everyone heard Luo Lihao's words, the curiosity in their eyes became stronger. They had thought about other things, but they didn't expect it to be an array, and from Luo Lihao's words, they could hear that this The formation is what they have to complete together.

At the same time, thinking of this possibility, everyone had a lot of thoughts.

The people present are not stupid. They may not understand the mystery at the beginning, but they can find out the problems if they think about it. Before, Luo Lihao had always disapproved of them entering Wanjianzong, but now, he gave up. Only after persuasion will he take out the formation as a gift.

If the formation can be completed by one person, they will definitely not think about other aspects, but now, they must complete it together, so it can't help but spread to other aspects.

And Ye Yayan nodded slightly after hearing Luo Lihao's words.

Human hearts are sinister, and only when their interests are the same, can they not be closely united. This formation is tailor-made for them.

"Yes, the formation. This formation can be used to attack and defend. With the strength of the five of you, you are invincible even against a master at the peak of the rank!" Such a formation is nothing to him, but For Ye Zihan and the others, it was undoubtedly life-saving.

Although they didn't know Wan Jianzong so well, they only heard the rumors, but they also understood the danger inside, and Luo Lihao's formation was definitely a timely rain!

(End of this chapter)

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