Chapter 375 Being Watched
"Li Hao, they shouldn't be in danger, right?" Seen from below, Ye Zihan and the others seemed to have nothing to do, the reason why they were like this was nothing more than the effect of the roller coaster.

Normally, when doing a roller coaster for the first time, she is really nervous and scared. At least, once, she was very afraid of riding a roller coaster, but she became excited after riding it.

At this time, they may be in this situation.

"It's okay, I see they are having fun!" When Luo Lihao said this, his eyes were full of deep meaning.

There are people behind!

There is a pair of eyes behind them secretly watching them, otherwise, the roller coaster they ride on would be the same as Ye Zihan's roller coaster, but before, they were different!

It is indeed different, their roller coaster can drag them into hell, but Ye Zihan's roller coaster is just thrilling and exciting, not at all dangerous.

In that case, someone was peeping in a corner that he couldn't detect!


After realizing that their every move was being watched, Luo Lihao's face darkened to the extreme.

Suddenly, Ye Yayan felt an extreme coldness coming from her side, which made her body tremble, "Li Hao, what's the matter?" Ye Yayan held Luo Lihao's hand.

"Someone is watching us! But, I can't find that person!" Luo Lihao's words were no longer doubts, but he replied affirmatively.

Surveillance, silently watched their every move, but, to his surprise, he didn't find any here at all.

Under his divine consciousness, he didn't realize that there were other people here besides them.

However, he was sure that someone must be watching their every move.

"Could it be the monitor?" Luo Lihao's words made Ye Yayan guess that it might be because of the monitor.

No one was found, but they could feel that someone was watching them. The only possibility was the monitor.

If Ye Yayan didn't think there were monitors in this world before, then after seeing the roller coaster, everything is possible.

With the appearance of the roller coaster, there will naturally be a monitor, and the only possibility to escape Luo Lihao's detection is the monitor.

"Monitor? What is it?" As a person who has not received modern products in the 21st century, it is naturally impossible to know what a monitor is.

"Surveillance, surveillance, surveillance, for the purpose of surveillance, hiding in the dark, watching every corner, as long as the surveillance covers the place, you can control the overall situation, even if no one appears!" Ye Yayan The last sentence is the most critical, and it is also where Luo Lihao feels strange.

You know, his spiritual sense covers a wide area, but under his spiritual sense, he didn't find any suspicious person. Obviously, this is impossible.

Now, Ye Yayan's explanation made him feel relieved.

Just, in which corner is this monitor placed?

"I think it's not just as simple as a monitor, it may even open the eyes of the sky!" The place covered by the eyes of the sky is really inescapable, there is no escape, as long as there is a place with the eyes of the sky, it is considered to have the ability to reach the sky, There is no escape either.

Of course, everything would be much simpler if the Sky Eye was covered, but now, the problem was that they didn't even notice where the Sky Eye was.

The monitor, the eye of the sky, made Ye Yayan feel a lot of pressure. Who is this new human being hiding in the darkness?

What is his purpose in doing this?

(End of this chapter)

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