Chapter 405
The trapped beast formation is only to trap him, the real killing intent comes later.

As time passed, Feng Linyue's eyes also became fierce. He did not expect that after such a long time, he still has not escaped. The most important thing is that the toxins in his body will not be suppressed. up!

Once the toxin broke out, it would really be enough for him. Although he had already taken the antidote pill, it had no effect at all. At this moment, blood even flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Xiaoyan, is he the one who has been hiding behind his back?" At this time, Ye Zihan and the others had already walked out of the Yin-Yang ring.

The moment Ye Yayan broke the Feng Linyue formation, Ye Zihan and the others were sent into the Yin-Yang ring by Ye Yayan. Now, after seeing that there is no danger, they are sent out.

"Well, it's him!" Ye Yayan nodded. Ye Yayan was not surprised that Feng Linyue could resist for such a long time. If he couldn't resist for such a long time, then it wouldn't be Feng Linyue.

"Who is he?" Hua Feifei paid different attention to the others.

"Wan Jianzong, Feng Linyue!" It was certain that Feng Linyue belonged to Wan Jianzong, but she didn't know his identity in Wan Jianzong.

"He, isn't he the junior of the suzerain of the Wanjian sect?" Xu Danchen, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke. As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

The younger brother of the sect master Wanjian, this status is really high.

Just, is he?

"How do you know?" When Xu Danchen said this, Ye Yayan felt that the possibility was very high. If he was the suzerain's junior, then he could indeed cover the sky with one hand in Wanjianzong.

"I heard my master talk about Feng Linyue!" When Xu Danchen said about his master, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes. Obviously, he was also a person with a story.

"Wan Jianzong's juniors all appeared in the Black Wind Valley. If so, is there some kind of conspiracy?" Before, maybe they also guessed that there was something wrong with Wan Jianzong, but they didn't think about the conspiracy.

After all, as Wan Jianzong, the top sect, even if they wanted to do something, they would not use the lack of disciples as a gimmick, but now, after hearing Xu Danchen's words, they instinctively thought of the possibility of conspiracy.

None of the people present were stupid, on the contrary, they were very smart, so they immediately thought of the word conspiracy.

Indeed, as they had guessed, this was a conspiracy, a big conspiracy.

"The inner disciples of Wan Jianzong, hehe...this is a conspiracy!" Ye Yayan smiled coldly.

This is an olive branch thrown by Wan Jianzong. As long as there are ambitious people, they will definitely flock to it. However, they don't know that entering Wan Jianzong is also the beginning of entering the grave.

Wan Jianzong, is it really that easy to enter?

The answer, of course, is no.

"What is the purpose of Wan Jianzong doing this? What do they want to get from us?" This is something that everyone can't figure out.

There is nothing about them that they covet.

Wan Jianzong is a big sect with a long history. They have too many things that are beyond their reach. But now, they are paying attention to them. What kind of medicine?

This point, they couldn't figure it out from the beginning to the end!
(End of this chapter)

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