Chapter 411

They cannot escape from his palm!
Ye Yayan, he will wait for her to fall into his hands obediently, and then he will let her know how powerful he is.

Under such a wretched smile, I don't know how many dirty things will be formed in his hands. Feng Linyue, who has the thinking of the 21st century, definitely has countless means to do dirty things.

This man must be killed!

It's just that now is not the best time.

Although there are no Wan Jianzong people now, once Feng Linyue is killed, it will attract the attention of Wan Jianzong's senior management. If it is in other places, maybe there is a way to push it out.

However, they are now under Wan Jianzong's jurisdiction. It's okay if some accidents happen, but if they don't happen, then they absolutely can't do anything.

Feng Linyue's status in Wan Jianzong is unusual, and coupled with their conjecture, I am afraid that Wan Jianzong's biggest boss is also from the 21st century. If this is the case, it will further reflect the importance of Feng Linyue.

Even if you don't look at the face of the monk, you have to look at the face of the Buddha. Wan Jianzong's biggest boss is not so easy to provoke, at least, even Luo Lihao dare not touch him.

"Are we passing it now?" She didn't mind going on, although this time, she had experienced life and death several times, but the harvest was not small.

At least, the fusion of blood will be of endless help to her. In terms of future strength improvement, there is absolutely no obstacle, and even the shackles are ignored. That is to say, as long as the strength is reached, she will naturally be able to break through .

"Of course not, there is the most important hurdle left. As long as you pass this hurdle, I can let you enter Wanjianzong and become the elder's personal disciples!" When Feng Linyue said this, her eyes were full of strangeness. color.

The last hurdle is also the most important hurdle, even if Feng Linyueming doesn't need to say it, Ye Yayan knows that this time, it must be a narrow escape, especially for Ye Zihan and the others.

If Feng Linyue didn't know the relationship between them before this, maybe he would let them pass together, but now, the power is in his hands, so he will naturally treat it differently.

"Feng Linyue, don't play tricks on me!" There is a saying, the ugly words must be said first, if Feng Linyue dares to kill, then she will kill him even if she gives her life.

"What do you think I will do? Am I a villain?" Now he wished that they could enter Wanjianzong. Once they entered Wanjianzong, they would not be able to turmoil no matter how big the storm was.

Ye Yayan couldn't help but roll his eyes at Feng Linyue's words, not to mention, he is really that villain.

Although Ye Yayan couldn't guess what Feng Linyue was thinking [-]%, but he still had a little idea of ​​his purpose for wanting them to enter Wanjianzong.

It's nothing more than playing with them!
In his opinion, even if they entered Wan Jianzong, even if they entered his chassis, he could play however he wanted without any danger at all.

However, what he didn't know was that dogs would jump over walls when they were in a hurry, let alone people.

Even though he has a strong identity and status in Wan Jianzong, if he is pushed into a hurry, even if he is the king of heaven, everyone will kill him.

If Fanfeng Linyue has this idea, then Ye Yayan has to say sorry, his plot will definitely not succeed!
(End of this chapter)

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