Chapter 417
"Everyone, be careful!" In this place, one must fight well at any time. Such a place with rich aura, even if it is placed in a family, is also a place that flocks to it. I am afraid that this place is not just a place for testing.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, everyone showed caution on their faces, and the momentary surprise just now was replaced by solemnity.

We are all smart people and quickly realized the problem.

Although the crowd kept moving forward without stopping, they found that they were still circling in place, showing no sign of moving forward at all.

"Why are we always in the same place?" The surrounding scenery has not changed. If they didn't notice it at the beginning, then now, they can be [-]% sure that they are in the same place, and it hasn't changed since the beginning.

"No, we have been moving forward, just to give people a sign that we are not moving forward!" Ye Yayan was sure of this, they were moving, and their moving speed was not slow.

The reason why everyone has a feeling that they are stranded in the same place is because there is only one kind of environment around them, so everyone has such a consciousness.

"No, we are moving, but the position we are in has not changed!" After Ye Yayan was behind, Hua Feifei spoke.

It was true that all the circumstances were the same, and they were indeed moving, but their positions had not changed, she was sure of that.

Hearing Hua Feifei's words, Ye Yayan also felt carefully, but the conclusion she drew was still her previous conclusion.

However, this time, she didn't speak anymore, because she knew that even if she insisted on her own opinion, they would not agree with her without experiencing it personally.

And she also believed that Hua Feifei's words were true.

This also shows that everyone has everyone's vision, and what they feel is different from others.

If you want to say something about others, you must come up with a factual basis.

Now, none of them were there, so the scene suddenly became condensed.

"Hahaha... Ho Ho Ho... Quack... Kaka... Chachacha..." Suddenly, there were creepy voices. Hearing the voices, the hairs on everyone's arms stood on end.

Ye Yayan even found that these voices were coming towards them from all directions.

"Everyone, get ready!" While speaking, a clear water sword appeared in Ye Yayan's hand.

The moment they saw the Clear Water Sword, a look of astonishment flashed across everyone's eyes.

They all knew that Ye Yayan was a spirit person, but now, she suddenly took out a sword, was she trying to tell them that she was not only a spirit person, but also a fighter?

Dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts, is this world going to be fantasy?

It's not that there are such things as both spiritual and martial arts, but none of them are powerful, not like Ye Yayan.

"Xiaoyan, are you a fighter too?" Ye Zihan was the most qualified to ask this question.

The moment Ye Yayan took out the Clear Water Sword, Ye Zihan's mouth opened wide, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

In order to reduce the curiosity in his heart, Ye Zihan's question just blurted out.

"Yes, I'm not only a spirit fighter, but also a fighter. I'm a dual cultivator of both spirit and martial arts!" After Ye Yayan said this, the eyes of Feng Linghan and the others became strange...

(End of this chapter)

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