The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 432 Spreading Knowledge to Bai Ze

Chapter 432 Spreading Knowledge to Bai Ze

"Then let me increase your knowledge!" Ye Yayan raised the corners of his lips, and was able to suppress Bai Ze for a rare time.

At this time, Bai Ze really wanted to know how they turned into monsters, and he really wanted to know this.

If before, it still felt that Ye Yayan's words had not been said through the brain, but now, looking at Ye Yayan's posture, it doesn't look like it at all.

It can be considered to have a certain understanding of Ye Yayan. If she was not sure, she would definitely not react in this way. However, if it is really as she said, then it has really gained knowledge.

"First of all, what I want to say is DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid (English: Deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated as DNA), also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is a molecule, double-stranded structure, composed of deoxyribonucleotides (composition: deoxyribose and four nitrogenous bases). It can form genetic instructions to guide the development of organisms and the operation of life functions.

To put it simply, everything about you is inherited from your parents. Of course, in our world, DNA can also be copied, that is to say, it is entirely possible for you to clone a person.

In our world, disembowelling is a trivial matter, even organs such as hearts can be transplanted, if so, integrating blood into their bodies can naturally change their human identities..." Ye Yayan Barabara Talked a lot.

When Ye Yayan started to explain, Bai Ze was already a little stunned, because he couldn't understand at all, and he suddenly felt like he was listening to heavenly scriptures. This feeling was very strange.

It knows astronomy and geography, and it seems that there is nothing it doesn't understand. However, it doesn't understand everything Ye Yayan said now, let alone understand, even if it listens, it listens. don't know.

"You mean that after the fusion of blood vessels, they will gradually change their bodies, even their habits, and finally become monsters?" Although it is somewhat incomprehensible, Bai Ze's intelligence is not for nothing. , it organized it in its own language and came to a similar conclusion.

"En!" Ye Yayan nodded, she was afraid of this situation.

She still has experience of the strength of the demon king's blood, and she is afraid that her blood will be fused with their own blood, and once fused, maybe they will change towards monsters.

"On this point, master, you can rest assured that such a thing will never happen. As for what you said, it may be reasonable, but here, it will never happen at all. They don't even have one percent of the power of your blood. Can not absorb!

I'm afraid you haven't realized how powerful your blood is now. If ordinary people like them can absorb the power of this blood, it will definitely be the happiest thing in their lives.

It's a pity that they don't have that strength, and they don't have that luck to absorb. Naturally, what you think will not happen, and it will never happen! "This point, Bai Ze can be very sure.

As far as Ye Zihan's innate blood is concerned, they can't exert the power of Ye Yayan's blood at all. Moreover, with their physique, they can only absorb a drop of blood at most.

How much power can a drop of blood have, so what Ye Yayan guessed will never happen!
(End of this chapter)

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