Chapter 438: Fire of Nirvana


As soon as Ye Yayan came into contact with the black light, the skin around her body seemed to be on fire and burned quickly.

However, at this moment, Ye Yayan felt no pain. Even though the flames were burning her body and her skin was burning, she didn't feel any pain.

How is this going?

At this moment, Ye Yayan's eyes flashed with confusion.

She didn't know how to explain this situation, even the guardian beast "Teddy" who was the perpetrator didn't know why its omnipotent black light would change on Ye Yayan.

This, it does not know.

The light that emanates from it has a strong corrosive power, as long as the light reaches, the place will change into nothingness. Originally, after seeing Ye Yayan touched by its black light, it must be able to be destroyed in an instant. into nothingness.

However, what it didn't expect was that Ye Yayan was not corroded, but suddenly became angry.

The flames soared into the sky, just like a phoenix nirvana!
Phoenix Nirvana!

It actually thought of these four words.

This is really unbelievable, but Ye Yayan's situation is like this now.

At the same time, Bai Ze was also shocked.

After seeing Ye Yayan's whole body burning with flames, it didn't react for a moment, but when it did, only surprise remained in its eyes.

Just as the Guardian Beast guessed, Bai Ze also thought of Phoenix Nirvana.

However, the problem is, Ye Yayan doesn't have the blood of Suzaku or Phoenix in her body at all, so how can she be Nirvana?

If it is not Nirvana, how to explain her current situation?

At this moment, Ye Yayan just felt that her body was burning, and there was no other pain, not even the slightest pain. If she hadn't seen her body burning with her own eyes, she might have thought that it wasn't her burning at all.

What the hell is this?

What happened to her?
Now, what she thinks of is not her own problem, but the time problem.

She didn't have much time left, if she didn't solve her own problems, Ye Zihan and the others would die completely, and they couldn't die anymore.

Bai Ze also realized the problem of time, but now, it has nothing to do.

This fire is also a threat to it.

Although the flame on Ye Yayan's body did not cause any real damage to Ye Yayan, it would be a problem for it.

If you are not careful, it will definitely be burned to the ground.

So, now, it can only wait until Ye Yayan gets out of the predicament by himself.

Also waiting is the Guardian Beast of the Fruit King of Life.

At this time, its eyes were tightly locked on Ye Yayan's body, and it didn't dare to take a step away.

This fire came inexplicably and miraculously!
"Bai Ze, can the Life Fruit King provide the Life Fruit?" Just as Bai Ze was thinking about how to delay the time, Ye Yayan's voice suddenly came to his ears.

The moment he heard Ye Yayan's voice, Bai Ze's body trembled, a little frightened. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Yayan to speak at this moment.

"Yes!" Although surprised, Bai Ze quickly answered Ye Yayan's words, because he knew that if he didn't answer, Ye Yayan would ask endlessly, and this was also true.

In fact, when Ye Yayan asked this sentence, she was completely holding a guess, but she didn't expect that her guess would become a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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