The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 446 Division of labor and cooperation

Chapter 446 Division of labor and cooperation
No matter what it is, it is very detrimental to it.

It knows astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, and even trivial matters, but now, it has been beaten by Ye Yayan more than once.

If it was only once, it might be an accidental phenomenon, but one, two or three times is not accidental, but inevitable.

It seems that it finds a time to have a good chat with Ye Yayan to see where it is lacking?

However, what Bai Ze didn't know was that the soul of Ye Yayan in front of him was not from this world at all, and some nouns that came out of her mouth were naturally not products of this world.

And it, Bai Ze, as a product of this world, it is naturally impossible to know some terms in the 21st century.

It's a pity that Bai Ze didn't know it at all at this time, and fortunately, he wasn't a horny person, otherwise, he would have burrowed into the hole and couldn't get out.

"Since we don't choose long-range attacks, we can only sneak up in front of him, but such a person must have very good hearing!" This can be seen from the blind man.

Generally speaking, blind people have very keen hearing, so Ye Yayan judged that this old man's ears must be very sensitive.

"Don't you have the blue space, this is definitely the best thing for a sneak attack!" Bai Ze, a mythical beast, came up with more and more ghost ideas.

This time, he actually set his sights on the blue space.

Not to mention, this blue space is definitely the best weapon to avoid sneak attacks.

"Even if you can hide in Youlan Dimension, Youlan Dimension also needs to be activated. Could it be that you are here to activate it?" Although Youlan Dimension is a divine weapon, if no one activates it, it will be of no use at all.

"I wouldn't do that! Isn't there a dark wing!" Bai Ze is a divine beast, so he can command other magical beasts. As for the dark wing, it can completely command it.

The most important thing is that Dark Wing is a shadow beast, and it is absolutely easy to catch sneak attacks.

Entrusting this task to An Yi can definitely be completed [-]%.

"If you let An Yi come, then you don't need to hide in the blue space at all, it's enough to let An Yi spray the poison powder directly!" Ye Yayan was very relieved when An Yi took the shot.

"That's right, I really overlooked this point!" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Bai Ze nodded.

In this matter, it really made a mistake, that is, to look far away.

"An Yi, do you have any questions?" An Yi naturally listened to their conversation, but he didn't express his opinion.

"No!" Even if there is, it will say no, even Bai Ze has spoken, does it dare not obey?
Bloodline level suppression is fatal.

Furthermore, this time it was just to sprinkle some poisonous powder, there was no difficulty at all.

It, the identity of the shadow beast is not called for nothing.

At that moment, An Yi took the poisonous powder prepared by You Lan and headed towards the old man.

I don't know if it's because the shadow stealth method is too clever, or the old man's eyes are really not good, until An Yi made a move, the old man didn't notice the existence of An Yi.

When a scream came out from the old man's mouth, the old man realized that he had been attacked by someone. However, he didn't even see the attacker, so after the scream, he completely lost his breath.

Until he died, he didn't realize that it wasn't a man who attacked him, but a beast!
(End of this chapter)

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