The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 449 Dark Wing Goes to Temptation

Chapter 449 Dark Wing Goes to Temptation

"Not bad, really good!" Bai Ze looked at the beautiful woman transformed by An Yi, and his eyes became brighter. It didn't realize that An Yi had such a skill, so he aimed at this beautiful woman. He believed that the pervert would definitely Will be hooked.

At that time, if he knew that the beauty in front of him was transformed by An Yi, what would happen?

Thinking of this, Bai Ze chuckled, his face full of strangeness.

Ye Yayan looked at Bai Ze, and the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Why does she think that Bai Ze is so weird? Is this still the Bai Ze in her impression?
"This... what should I do?" Although Anyi was full of enthusiasm, he didn't know what to do. This was the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair!

"It's enough for you to send a few glances casually. This is a perverted evil spirit. Even if you don't play tricks, if you shake it casually, he will obediently take the bait. After that, you can just throw some poisonous powder on him. !" For Bai Ze, although there are many ways to seduce, but this time, they don't need it.

The man in front of him, it believed that he would take the bait without any means at all.

"Oh!" Hearing Bai Ze's words, An Yi also gained momentum, since he didn't need any means, he went directly.

However, appearing in front of this man also requires a means.

If he suddenly appeared in front of the man, it would definitely arouse his suspicions, even if it was an evil ghost, he would not directly pounce on him, so the appearance of An Yi must be a coincidence.

For this point, Dark Wing naturally does not need to be taught.

"Help me..." A scream came from not far away, and then Ye Yayan and Bai Ze saw the face turn pale, and the pale dark wings appeared in their eyes, and then they saw a group of monsters Chase behind Dark Wing.

The moment the man heard the voice, his face changed slightly. However, after seeing An Yi, his face showed joy, and there was an unconcealable lust in his eyes.

This man is definitely a lustful evil ghost. Although he also understands what is going to happen in this place and will not be known by others, there are dangers here. Even if he is a god-level powerhouse, his life will be in danger, especially Such an inexplicable woman.

However, this woman conformed to all his aesthetic visions, and her figure also moved his heart. Even if this woman appeared too weird, he still felt that this was the best gift God gave him.

In this inaccessible place, at this time of the year, it is definitely a good time to do business.

Furthermore, he is a god-level powerhouse, and ordinary people really can't hurt him.

In this regard, he still has full confidence.

Immediately, he went up to meet her.

When the man moved, Ye Yayan and Bai Ze's faces were filled with joy.

The moment this man took a step, his fate was already doomed.

"Beauty, let me help you!" The man thinks that he is a god built from the sky, a hero who saves the beauty from danger, but he doesn't know that the beauty in his eyes is actually a coward who sent him to another world executioner.

"Alas..." At the moment when the man rushed towards Anyi, Anyi let out a scream, and moved forward. The appearance of pear blossoms with rain made the man's heart tremble. Go where the wings are.

In an instant, he wrapped his arms around Anyi and hugged Anyi fiercely in his arms...

(End of this chapter)

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