Chapter 460

Opportunities are for those who are prepared. They have been preparing for so long, and it is time to make a move!

It's a pity that even though they spent a long time preparing, they still won't develop towards their set goals.

Because, good people are rewarded!

"Senior, you don't know. The reason why we paid him attention is entirely because of the treasures on him. If you are willing to help us, then we don't need the treasures on him!" The two brothers of the Hu family said, Hu Da is smarter and speaks very well.

It's just that, in this case, there is no trace of temptation for Ye Yayan at all.

Compared with treasures, can you compare with her?
"Isn't it because of Shanmei?" Ye Yayan's words were definitely ironic. If it was normal, the two brothers would be furious, but now, facing someone stronger than them, no matter how angry they are , they also have to endure.

If they knew that the so-called strong man they imagined was just a person who didn't even reach the rank of respect, they didn't know how they would react.


At this moment, Ye Qingchuan laughed.

Shanmei, damn it, he is nobody.

"I'm sorry, I really couldn't hold back, but I want to know, who is the beautiful girl you are talking about?" Ye Qingchuan must understand this point, even if he dies, he must be a understand ghosts.

" don't even know Shanmei, it's too much, too much!" Hearing Ye Qingchuan's words, Hu Er exploded in an instant, but at the moment he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Hu Da down.

"Hmph, Ye Qingchuan, even if you don't know about Shanmei, what is it if you take away our position?" Shanmei will not mention it for now, but he will definitely take revenge for taking their position away!

"Wow, after all these years, don't you all know the rules of Wan Jianzong!" Hearing Hu Da's words, Ye Qingchuan smiled with contempt on his face.

If he thought they were smart before, now they are really inferior to pigs!
His position in Wan Jianzong, but he has climbed up step by step, they are stupid pigs, naturally they will not understand how much effort he has put in for his current position.

They only saw him climbing, but they didn't see the effort he put in.

If you can climb to the current high position without hard work, it really depends on nepotism.

These two people have no skills, but want to climb to a high position, that is really a dream.

"Hmph!" In any case, in the hearts of the Hu brothers, it was Ye Qingchuan who took their place, so they must kill Ye Qingchuan.

"Bai Ze, what treasure do you think Ye Qingchuan has on him? As for the Hu brothers who are so concerned?" From their conversation, Ye Yayan still heard some tricks. It was the treasure on Ye Qingchuan's body.

Although the Hu brothers didn't mention this point, Ye Yayan could still see it.

"Ye Qingchuan doesn't have any treasures on him, but he is a treasure!" Bai Ze's words made Ye Yayan a little puzzled.

What do you mean he is a treasure?
Could it be that Ye Qingchuan's flesh and blood can be used as medicine?

Because only this can explain the phrase "It is a treasure in itself", otherwise, Ye Yayan really doesn't know the meaning of Bai Ze's words.

(End of this chapter)

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