The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 463 Lost Memory But Don't Forget Her

Chapter 463 Lost Memory But Don't Forget Her
"Are you Mu Wan's daughter?" Ye Qingchuan said directly after a brief surprise.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Yayan and Bai Ze were stunned at the same time, their eyes were full of disbelief, especially Bai Ze, who could see from it just now that Ye Qingchuan had a problem with his memory, but now, he directly said Knowing Mu Wan, and even knowing that Ye Yayan is Mu Wan's daughter, what does this mean?
"You...have no amnesia?" Although Ye Yayan was also asking Ye Qingchuan, but at the same time, she answered Ye Qingchuan's question in a disguised form. She is Mu Wan's daughter.

"Amnesia? Hehe...Your eyes are vicious, yes, I have amnesia, but Mu Wan, I will not forget it!" Ye Qingchuan also knew about the amnesia, and he admitted it generously.

"You like her!" It's not a question, but an affirmation. Even if she loses her memory, she hasn't forgotten Mu Wan. This is how deep the love is.

"Yes, I like her, but I can't protect her. This is the biggest regret in my life!" When Ye Qingchuan said this, his eyes were full of sadness.

Seeing Ye Qingchuan's painful expression, and then contacting what he said, Ye Yayan's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly he had a very bad intuition.

"She? Isn't it?" When Ye Yayan said this, there was a tremor in her voice, and she was afraid that she would hear bad news.

"She's fine, it's just that I can't save her!" Even with his god-level strength, he still can't save her. His strength is indeed flawed.

"Where is she?" No matter how difficult the front is, she will rescue her, after all, she is her mother, the mother of this body.

After her soul enters this body, she is her, and she has to bear everything about her.

"That place, with your current strength, is completely courting death!" When Ye Qingchuan said this, he didn't give Ye Yayan any face at all.

For Mu Wan's daughter, he has many complicated feelings.

"What's the matter with the power that suddenly surged in your body?" Regarding this, Bai Ze couldn't help it, so he asked directly before Ye Yayan asked.

When Bai Ze opened his mouth, Ye Qingchuan noticed that there was a little white beast beside Ye Yayan. If he had regarded it as a little beast at first, then after hearing what it said, he would no longer be able to calm down up.


Such a small beast turned out to be a divine beast, which really shocked him, and the most difficult thing for him to understand was that this divine beast was Ye Yayan's contracted beast.

"The power in my body?" Although he was surprised, he did not ignore Bai Ze's question. In fact, he didn't know this.

"What if I say I don't know?" If someone else asked, he definitely wouldn't answer like this, but he also became easy to talk to Mu Wan's daughter.

He really didn't know about this matter, if he knew, he would have already figured out the reason why he became like this.

"Bai Ze, you said that his flesh and blood can be refined into Soul Devouring Poison, does this matter have something to do with my mother?" Ye Yayan's association ability is not bad, no, they are all connected together.

However, let alone the power of association this time, I'm afraid it's true.

"What? My bones and blood can be cultivated into soul-devouring poison?" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Ye Qingchuan even ignored the word "Bai Ze" in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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