Chapter 467 A Game

"Can't you say it?" Seeing Ye Qingchuan's hesitation, Ye Yayan knew that he didn't want to say more.

"It's not that you can't say it, but it's very dangerous!" Looking at Ye Yayan, Ye Qingchuan didn't know whether to say it, after all, it was related to Wan Jianzong's internal affairs.

In fact, what Ye Qingchuan didn't know was that some things could be guessed even if they were internal matters.

If you want to be unknown, you have to do nothing!

"Dangerous, how dangerous? Do you want to talk about the cave where you woke up, and it has something to do with your Wan Jianzong recruiting inner disciples this time?" As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Ye Qingchuan looked at Ye Qingchuan in surprise. Elegant words.

This was all guessed by Ye Yayan himself, and he didn't give her any information at all.

Smart, really smart!

"Yes, although it's not that place, but that cave is the source of everything!" Since Ye Yayan already guessed it, he should tell her so that she won't have to make wild guesses by herself.

"The source of everything, what does this mean?" Ye Yayan couldn't quite understand Ye Qingchuan's words.

"You won't tell me that you were the one who came up with Wan Jianzong's idea of ​​recruiting cannon fodder?" If it was really him, then he would have committed a serious crime.

"It's not me, but how do you know that Wan Jianzong recruited inner disciples for a reason?" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Ye Qingchuan suddenly became curious.

You know, the matter of recruiting cannon fodder is an extremely secret matter. Once this matter is leaked out, how will Wan Jianzong gain a foothold in Yuntian Continent? But if it wasn't leaked by others, how would Ye Yayan know about it.

Is it just guesswork?

If this is the case, then Ye Yayan is really very smart.

"Isn't this an obvious fact! Wan Jianzong is so good that he will directly recruit inner disciples. What should other disciples in Wan Jianzong think? When you came up with such a plan, did you just think of everyone? Are you a fool?" When Ye Yayan said this, his voice was full of irony, a strong irony.

Ye Yayan's words are still quite lethal, but there are still so many fools, even if they know the purpose of Wan Jianzong, they are willing to jump down and let their descendants jump in, just for a gimmick , a title!
Even though they knew they would die, they were still so willing!
Is the name really that important?

Although some people can indeed guess that Wan Jianzong's purpose of recruiting inner disciples is not pure, but they can't ruin their future because of doubts, so they still want to fight, just like Feng Linghan and the others.

Knowing the danger and knowing the purpose of Wan Jianzong, they still want to become a member of Wan Jianzong, all of which are for Wan Jianzong's name.

"Then why did you come?" Was Ye Qingchuan's words intended to embarrass Ye Yayan, but knowing that she still wanted to come to Wan Jianzong, after all, what was her reason?
"Are you asking from the perspective of an elder of Wanjianzong? If it is an elder of Wanjianzong, then I will not tell you! However, if you are an elder of the Ye family, perhaps, I will tell you my truth. The purpose!" Ye Yayan's words are also a bet on whether Ye Qingchuan will still regard himself as Ye's family.

If so, then things might be much simpler, at least, she won't be alone and helpless after entering Wanjianzong!

(End of this chapter)

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