The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 469 Crush the crown 1 anger is red face

chapter 469
"Are you sure?" Although Ye Qingchuan heard Ye Yayan's words clearly and plainly, he still wanted to make sure if he really heard it wrong?

"I'm sure, and very sure!" Luo Lihao wanted to destroy Wanjianzong, so she also wanted to destroy Wanjianzong, and she had to do so.

"Why?" From Ye Yayan's eyes, he couldn't see the strong hatred, but she wanted to destroy Wan Jianzong.

Wan Jianzong doesn't mean that he can be destroyed if he wants to.

If it was really possible, Wan Jianzong might have been removed from the Yuntian Continent long ago.

Wan Jianzong, as the number one force in Yuntian Continent, no one can shake his status.

It's not that no one wanted to destroy Wan Jianzong, but they all ended in failure in the end. Ye Yayan should also know this, but if she still does this when she knows it, it means she has great hatred.

But, he really couldn't see this.

"You can be angry at the crown and become a beauty, can't I?" As soon as Ye Yayan said this, Ye Qingchuan opened his mouth and looked at Ye Yayan in surprise.

He didn't think that Guo Ye Yayan would say such a sentence.

Rushing to the crown as a confidant!

Once, he also had it, but unfortunately, it didn't have any effect.

Thinking of that time, Ye Qingchuan's face was full of loneliness.

At the beginning, if I persisted a little longer, maybe there would be different results.

"Wan Jianzong, you think you can shake your little arms and legs?" It's not that he doesn't like Ye Yayan, it's because Ye Yayan's strength alone is too weak, and besides, the current her, How can you fight against Wan Jianzong if you haven't even reached the god level.

"A gnat may shake a big tree. Although the latter sentence is ridiculous and overpowering, I think I have this ability, and I believe that water drips through a stone, and one year is not enough. Two years, three years, ten years, or even a hundred years, I don't believe in extinction. No Wan Jianzong!" Ye Yayan's words were really domineering.

As long as she is given time, she believes that she will be able to destroy Wan Jianzong.

Even Wan Jianzong, who exists as a myth, can be destroyed.

"Mu Wan has a good daughter!" Just because of this sentence, Ye Qingchuan felt that Ye Yayan must not be something in the pond.

"I really want to know about the relationship between you and my mother?" Ye Qingchuan has mentioned Mu Wan more than once.

Ye Yayan was very interested in knowing what happened between the two of them.

People who have not even forgotten their amnesia must have left an inexplicable mark on Ye Qingchuan's heart. It can be said that that memory has been engraved into his bones. Even if the memory is lost, he has not forgotten Mu Wan.

"I can't remember a lot of things that happened between us. The only thing I remember is that I couldn't save her!" Remember this.

"Oh..." Ye Yayan sighed heavily.

It is said that Luohua is intentional and ruthless, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Qingchuan has a deep love for Mu Wan, that kind of love does not need to be fake at all, it can be seen with just one look.

King Xiang is interested, but Goddess has no intention.

However, this makes Ye Yayan a little strange, no matter from any point of view, Ye Qingchuan is better than Ye Hongguang, why did Mu Wan choose Ye Hongguang instead of Ye Qingchuan.

Especially when Ye Qingchuan was still single back then, unlike Ye Hongguang who had wives and concubines in groups!
(End of this chapter)

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