Chapter 477
"Don't think too much, it's just a magical beast that changed this place!" Bai Ze is a divine beast who can see everything. Now that she sees Ye Yayan's reaction, she knows that she is thinking in other directions. It felt the need to remind her of this random guessing phenomenon.

"What? A monster?" Ye Yayan's reaction was not too violent, but Ye Qingchuan's reaction was unbelievably violent.

He thought about other kinds of things, but he never thought about monsters. It wasn't that he looked down on monsters, but in his opinion, monsters would never have such abilities, but that was the truth.

"It's indeed a monster. I don't know if you've heard of a beast before." When Bai Ze said this, Ye Yayan and Ye Qingchuan's faces were not confused. Obviously, they had never heard of a beast. , if insisting that they have heard of it, then it is now, the first time they have heard of it.

"Array beasts, as the name suggests, are magical beasts that can form formations. This kind of magical beasts are not strong in combat power, but I am afraid that no one can compare with their attainments in formation techniques. However, according to the situation, on the Yuntian Continent, there should be It is impossible for a formation beast to appear!" Bai Ze felt strange about this, but from the perception of breath, everything here is really related to the formation beast.

"Why is it impossible for a formation beast to appear?" Bai Ze must have a reason for his doubts.

"Yuntian Continent, this continent is still too low-end, and the beasts are quite a proud race. Generally low-end continents, they don't even bother to go, and even if they go, the possibility of their survival is very low, unless..." Thinking With this possibility, Bai Ze frowned.

"Unless there is a master?" Ye Yayan's guess is really accurate, not to mention, what Bai Ze didn't say is this sentence.

"Yes, unless there is a master, it is impossible for the beast to appear, and the only one who can do this is probably Feng Linyue!" The other possibilities are very low, and this is the territory of Wan Jianzong. If it wasn't Feng Linyue, who would it be?
This guess is logical, if it is really Feng Linyue, it will be really tricky.

Feng Linyue's attainments in terms of combat effectiveness and formations are quite good. If you add formation beasts, then it will definitely get the result with half the effort.

"It can't be Feng Linyue's!" Ye Qingchuan said suddenly, and said such a sentence with absolute certainty.

"Why? Why is Uncle Ye so sure?" If he wasn't completely sure, Ye Qingchuan would definitely not be so sure.

"Feng Linyue is so arrogant and narcissistic. If he really has a beast, he will never hide it. He will let everyone in the world know that he has a contracted beast! "Ye Qingchuan still knows a little about Feng Linyue.

"If so, is he just pretending?" Ye Yayan was just guessing.

Perhaps, in the eyes of everyone, Feng Linyue is a person who likes to pretend, but for some reason, Ye Yayan has a feeling that he is pretending.

If it is really pretending, then this person's mind is quite high. If you want to deceive other people, you must first deceive yourself.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but I still think it's unlikely that the beast is Feng Linyue!" Ye Qingchuan couldn't deny Ye Yayan's conjecture, but he insisted on his own opinion, his opinion on Feng Linyue!

(End of this chapter)

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