Chapter 490 Kill You
"Imperial level is enough, I just need you to keep them involved!" Lin Xuan really didn't pay attention to these people, otherwise, he wouldn't say the battle strategy in front of them.

The strength of these people is indeed good, but if you want to deal with them, Ye Yayan can do it alone, after all, the moment she stood up, she was making arrangements.

Before, she said that those who want to kill her must be prepared to be killed by her. Therefore, when these people shoot arrows at her, they must be prepared to be killed by her. Now, someone assists , saving her effort.

"Let's go!" The people in the Temple of Light looked at each other and fled away one after another.

They all know Lin Xuan's combat effectiveness. If Lin Xuan is desperate, none of them will be able to escape. Now, before the start, everyone will go their separate ways.


Before they could spread their legs and go outside, they found that they had bumped into a transparent barrier, and their heads were about to explode from this collision.

What's happening here?
When did they have enchantments around their bodies?

Lin Xuan looked at the people trapped in the same place in surprise, he didn't seem to make a move, then, it was her!

Lin Xuan focused on Ye Yayan, how did she do it?
Without them noticing, she actually did it.

This kind of mind is really not something ordinary people can have.

"What... do you want to do?" The eyes of the trapped people showed panic and fear.

They're all human, and they're all afraid of death.

"Kill you!" Ye Yayan uttered these three words directly without any nonsense. It was concise and clear, so that people would know what she was going to do once they heard it.

kill you!

These three words made Lin Xuan's blood boil.

He had this idea in mind, but now that it's all over, Ye Yayan is also planning to come out.

"Kill!" Since you can't leave, you can only face it head on.

There are at least a dozen people here, and Lin Xuan and Ye Yayan are just two people, they don't believe that they can't beat them.

Unfortunately, this time, they made a big mistake. Since Ye Yayan can trap them in place without anyone noticing, then she won't just use such a trick.

When everyone was about to make a move, they realized that the gophers had started to act again, and this time, before they could react, they directly dragged their legs, trying to pull them into the ground.

Fortunately, these people's own abilities are good. If they meet other people, they may really be dragged underground.

However, even so, they still lost some people.

Misfortune also happened in an instant.

But Ye Yayan and Lin Xuan were not affected in the slightest.

When the gophers were in action, Ye Yayan took out a bottle of something from nowhere and sprayed it on her and Lin Xuan. When the smell spread, the gophers didn't even bother to pay attention to them. Then he bypassed them and headed towards those Wan Jianzong people.

"What kind of magic did you guys use?" When they saw the gophers bypassing Ye Yayan and Lin Xuan and heading towards them, their first reaction was that they used black magic.

As a member of the Dark Temple, Lin Xuan will naturally be a bit heretic, and Ye Yayan has been recognized by them as a witch, so it is not an exaggeration to use black magic.

It's just that black art is so easy to use?

(End of this chapter)

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