Chapter 492
"A share of the pie? You mean they also want to enter the quota of that cave, or want to send people in to get things?" If this is the case, then there is no problem.

"Master, you're thinking too simply, that place is probably related to secret storage!" For some reason, Bai Ze thought so.

It might not have been possible to link it to secret storage before, but since the Burning Golden Flame in Ye Yayan's body was activated, the possibility of this has greatly increased.

The birth of secret treasures must have other accompanying things, and this accompanying thing is probably the cave.

That place can only be entered by the native residents of the Sky Continent.

"Secret treasury? Why did it get brought up here again?" Secret treasury felt like a very distant thing, but now, it seemed, it was approaching her. It seemed that since Fen Shi Jinyan's birth, the secret treasury matter It is constantly being mentioned, even if you want to ignore it, it is difficult.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a scream pierced the sky.

"This is...Hua Feifei's voice!" After hearing the source of the voice clearly, Ye Yayan's expression changed, and he flew away to the place where the past happened.

If it was just Hua Feifei's screams, Ye Yayan would definitely not be in a hurry, but the problem is, Hua Feifei and the others are with Ye Zihan now, and Hua Feifei has made such screams, so Ye Zihan and the others must be in trouble up.

The moment Ye Yayan flew out, Bai Ze frowned.

Not right, very wrong!

It is impossible for someone to break the formation it has set up, let alone make a scream.

When it was about to tell Ye Yayan, it found that she was nowhere to be seen.

Concerned about chaos, it is probably now!

Ye Yayan was as fast as he wanted, but unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as Bai Ze.

"Master, stop!" Bai Ze immediately stopped Ye Yayan when he saw Ye Yayan running away.

Rushing over like this without thinking is bound to be bad, and they have to think long-term.

"Master, this is a trap, don't rush forward!" Bai Ze looked at Ye Yayan and said helplessly. This night, Ye Yayan paid too much attention to feelings, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Ye Zihan is one of Ye Yayan's weaknesses, and it would be terrible if someone grasped this point.

However, there is no other way, when Ye Yayan came to this world, it was Ye Zihan who gave her warmth, even if she had to pay the price of a whole world, Ye Yayan was willing.

"I can't stop, if I stop, Zi Han, he..." Ye Yayan couldn't imagine that scene.

"Master, don't you believe me?" As soon as Bai Ze said this, Ye Yayan stopped.

She believes in Bai Ze!
"Master, even a god-level powerhouse cannot break through the formation I arranged, so you don't have to worry!" Actually, when he said this, Bai Ze was also a little worried.

The formation can't be broken from the outside, but if the people inside rush out, they won't be affected. It can't guarantee this. However, in order to calm Ye Yayan down, it didn't raise this point. .

At this time, Hua Feifei and the others were indeed in trouble, but they did not act rashly. The reason why Hua Feifei made such a scream was because the moment she opened her eyes, she saw a skull Hovering above her head, she yelled reflexively...

(End of this chapter)

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