Chapter 494

"He has made up his mind to go. Even if I keep him, it will only be temporary. His departure is inevitable!" Xu Danchen is different from Ye Zihan and Leng Huaqing. They will listen to his advice, but he will not. He has always been a determined person. Once he makes a decision, he will never turn back. This time, it is no different.

Therefore, he will not stop him, he will only bless him.

He only hoped that they would have the chance to meet again in this life.

ooh ooh...

woo woo woo...

quack quack...

Suddenly, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves, and in an instant, the place where Ye Yayan and the others were was surrounded by black mist.

The thick black fog separated everyone, even if the difference was only a few centimeters away, they couldn't see each other's figure.

Moreover, some toxins remained in the black mist, which penetrated into everyone's skin little by little.

These toxins may not be noticed by everyone at first, but as time goes by, once the toxins occupy the whole body, even Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save people.

At this moment, everyone was in danger, and they all felt that death was approaching. Even some members of Wan Jianzong were frowning at this moment, and their eyes were full of strange colors.

Logically speaking, they shouldn't suffer from all this, right?
They are members of Wan Jianzong, and they are also high-ranking members of Wan Jianzong. Could it be that the main sect will kill them all?
If the suzerain really wanted to wipe them all out, he would use other methods instead of this one.

Could it be that Feng Linyue did something wrong?

If it's Feng Linyue, this possibility is very high!

He didn't pay attention to Wan Jianzong at all, or he didn't pay attention to them. If Feng Linyue made a move, it was entirely possible to wipe them all out.

The black mist was still spreading, and everyone even felt a sense of suffocation, and it was very difficult to breathe.

This black mist is really a bit powerful.

"What the hell is this?" After the black mist entered Ye Yayan's body, it was dissolved. Since the fusion of her blood vessels, her body already had a physique that was invulnerable to all poisons. Toxins are no problem for her at all.

Although the toxin was not affected, Ye Yayan still felt troublesome, especially as time passed, the black mist had changed from thin to thick, and even she could feel a thick layer.

This feeling is really too bad!

Ye Yayan wasn't the only one who felt this way, and so did the others. If possible, they wanted to leave here immediately.

However, they know they can't!
They must stay here!

"What the hell, if you let me know who is playing tricks, I will definitely slap him to death!"

"Take me!"



At this moment, there was only one thought in everyone's mind, and that was to kill that person.

Under such an environment, all the most evil thoughts in my heart will be drawn out!
Everyone has an evil thought in their hearts. Once the evil thoughts in their hearts are aroused, it will be terrible. If it is normal, they will definitely not arouse the evil thoughts in their hearts. However, in such an environment Next, even if you want to suppress it, you can't suppress it.

Once it breaks out, it will kill people!
How to do?
What should they do?
If they have been in this environment all the time, they must go crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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