Chapter 496 Please Believe Me
"Bai Ze, do you think that Qiong Qi is looking for you?" Although Ye Yayan's words were questionable, when Ye Yayan said them, he did not have the slightest doubt in his tone. Obviously, Ye Yayan knew that this monster was After Qiongqi, she knew that Qiongqi was following Bai Ze.

If they hadn't had that battle before, maybe Ye Yayan wouldn't have had this guess, but now, this guess is completely [-]%.

There is already an undying hatred between the two.

"Back then, your victory was just a fluke, but now that it's following you, are you still sure of victory?" If not, then they should escape as soon as possible, after all, life is the most important thing.

"Master, do you think I'll run away?" Bai Ze's rhetorical question made Ye Yayan frowned.

These words have clearly told her that it is not Qiongqi's opponent, but even so, it will not escape.

As a divine beast, it has its pride, even if it dies in battle, it will never take a step back.

"You won't, but it also depends on whether it's worth it!" Everything has two sides, even if Bai Ze dies, he will die unyielding, but it depends on the situation.

If this died in the hands of Qiongqi, it would be too unworthy.

"Master, ancient ferocious beasts and ancient divine beasts have been opposing each other since ancient times. Even if there is no previous revenge, once they meet, they will never die. Therefore, only one of us can leave here alive!" In order for Ye Yayan to understand, Bai Ze explained.

Ferocious beasts and divine beasts have been enemies since ancient times, so there is no reason to back down when they meet this time.

Even if it knows that it is not Qiongqi's opponent at all, it still wants to fight.

If this shrinks back now, there will be shadows in this life, and it will still be a lingering shadow.

"What is Qiongqi afraid of?" If possible, she wanted to burn it with fire, not to mention that the Burning World Jinyan is the bane of all evil things, and it can also burn everything to ashes.

"Master, don't even think about using the Fenshi Jinyan. Once you sacrifice the Fenshi Jinyan, then you will really become the slave of the Wanjianzong!" The Wanjianzong's methods are endless. If Yan Zhen sacrificed the Burning World Golden Flame, it must be bad.

Furthermore, even if Ye Yayan sacrificed the Burning Golden Flame, it might not be able to wipe out Qiongqi in one fell swoop.

If it goes out, that's pretty good, but if it doesn't go out, then it's a big loss.

Moreover, it does not approve of taking this risk at all.

"But, I'm afraid..." She was afraid that Bai Ze would say something wrong to Qiongqi this time. After all, Qiongqi is a very important character. If this falls into Qiongqi's hands, one can imagine what will happen to Bai Ze.

If this is the case, she might as well sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, so that at least there is still a chance.

"Don't master believe me?" Ye Yayan's words moved Bai Ze, but he didn't want to take the risk.

Although it has a 90.00% chance of losing against Qiongqi, it has at least a [-]% chance of winning, so there is no need to use Burning World Golden Flame.

"But...but..." Ye Yayan was stunned to say the following words, after all, this time Qiongqi came here for revenge, and with Qiongqi's temperament, he would never stop dying.

"Master, trust me!" Bai Ze's eyes were full of determination. It might not lose this battle, even if it lost, it would drag Qiongqi into hell together.

(End of this chapter)

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