Chapter 502 The Last Trick
Hiding in the Youlan Dimension, she could be fine, but the Youlan Dimension was exposed.

Youlan Dimension is her hole card, the last hole card, if this is exposed, then she will not want to live in the future.

Therefore, even if the matter came to the last moment, she didn't want to expose You Lan on her wrist.

But now, they have reached the end of the road. If they don't want to find a way to deal with this predicament, they may really be swallowed.

At this moment, even Feng Linyue was not calm anymore, because he was also in this space.

Qiongqi's dark engulfing move included him as well.

This is, to devour him too!
To get out of trouble, he must leave here, only by leaving here will he not be swallowed.

It's just that, now, it's not a place where he can leave if he wants to.

Sure enough, after meeting Qiongqi, his good days will come to an end, even now, he will be devoured by Qiongqi.

Qiongqi's devouring darkness, with the power of destruction, made Feng Linyue feel palpitations, a feeling that death is calling.

At this time, Feng Xi and Anyi had been summoned back to the contract space by Ye Yayan. Although the contract space is not safe, because once she is swallowed by the darkness, they will die, but at least, there is no danger in the contract space. will feel pain.

At this time, Bai Ze just frowned, not showing much fear, because fear was useless.

"Master, the power of light!" At this moment, the power of light has to be used, because only light can break the darkness.

Qiongqi's devouring can only be in the darkness, once the darkness is dispelled, it is useless.

As soon as Ye Yayan heard Bai Ze's words, he immediately understood. At that moment, a large amount of light was released from his body, covering the light, the darkness dissipated.

When the darkness dissipated and the light ushered in, sure enough, the power of devouring was constantly decreasing or even dispelled.

Qiongqi, after hearing Bai Ze's words, secretly said badly, but it didn't take this into consideration. Perhaps, in his opinion, in the absence of people from the Temple of Light, its attack of swallowing darkness, It is absolutely invincible, but it does not count that Ye Yayan can also use the power of light.

That is to say, it was a short move, and when it reacted, it was already too late.

It wanted to stop it, but Bai Ze stood in front of him, preventing it from attacking Ye Yayan.

Fortunately, this move didn't take much strength, otherwise, it would definitely be defeated this time.

If that's the case, then it's going to make a ruthless move.

"Bai Ze, you forced me!" Qiongqi's voice was full of destructive vigor.

Hearing Qiongqi's words, Ye Yayan suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just at this moment, Ye Yayan suddenly felt his body flying backwards.

At the moment of flying upside down, Ye Yayan's mind went blank, and he looked at Bai Ze with puzzled expression.

Qiongqi's words set off alarm bells in Bai Ze's heart. It knew that Qiongqi was going to make a ruthless move. This time, it was not like the darkness swallowing just now. Even if it was this move, it might not be able to follow it with all its strength, let alone It's Ye Yayan.

In order to ensure Ye Yayan's safety, it could only send her away.


The moment Ye Yayan flew upside down, Bai Ze was also blown away...

(End of this chapter)

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