Under the ground
"Dongfu? What is there in that cave? It is worth such a big fight!" If it is really aimed at the cave, then what kind of existence is this mysterious cave?

You know, whether it is the Temple of Light or the Temple of Darkness, or Wan Jianzong, they are all among the best in Yuntian Continent, but now, when facing this mysterious cave, they actually choose to form an alliance. Some people will believe it, but this may be the truth.

"Li Hao, what should I do now?" In the end, how should I get into the cave?
Since that cave can attract so many people's attention, it must be extraordinary, and, no matter what the cave is, she will go in.

"Don't be impatient, wait and see!" Now, everything is unknown, it's just their guess, everything has to wait for a foregone conclusion.

However, even if it is a guess, it is basically close to reality.

"What about the skeleton man?" This can be delayed, but what about the skeleton man?

Skeleton people can't be destroyed now, can they just be allowed to exist?
"Find out the person who controls the skeleton man, kill him, you can release the soul of the skeleton man, but it's only released, once released, it will be wiped out!" This point, Luo Lihao must explain, because once Ye Yayan said so Doing it, although it is a relief, will also completely disappear in this world, and there will be no dregs left.

"Okay!" It is necessary to find and control the skeleton man. There is no reason for such a hateful person to live in this world.

"Where is the target?" Ye Yayan was naturally unable to find the person who controlled the skeleton man, but Luo Lihao could.

With Luo Lihao's ability, it is too easy to know a person's whereabouts.

"It's not here!" This also surprised Luo Lihao. Normally, the person who controls the skeleton man can't go too far, but now, in this place, the person who controls the skeleton man is not there. Somewhat weird.

"Stay in Wanjianzong?" If this is the case, then this person's ability is too great.

At least, as far as she knows, the skeleton man and the controller must be within a hundred miles.

But now, Luo Lihao told him directly that this place didn't exist, that is to say, he didn't appear here at all.

However, he didn't show up, but the skeleton man did. What does it mean?
It means that the person's evil work has been accomplished!
Only when the evil skill is accomplished, can he control it from a distance.

Thinking of remote control, Ye Yayan's heart shuddered, and he suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"No, it's underground!" As soon as Luo Lihao said this, Ye Yayan was stunned, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"You mean that Wan Jianzong's base camp is underground?" If this is the case, then there is a big problem.

Where is the base camp of Wan Jianzong? Anyone in Yuntian Continent knows that it is on Wanjian Mountain. The so-called Wanjian Mountain is also because of Wan Jianzong.

On Wanjian Mountain, there are many houses of Wanjianzong. For those houses, the world wants to live in them. Unfortunately, basically no one can go in. It represents a kind of identity, a kind of identity as a disciple of Wanjianzong , but now, Luo Lihao said that Wan Jianzong is underground.

And the one that can go underground must be the stronghold of Wan Jianzong!
Sure enough, it was the sneaky people who built the base camp underground!

(End of this chapter)

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