Chapter 517

Ye Yayan was still walking forward, with his ears pricked up, always paying attention to everything around him.

Although Ye Yayan was always alert, she didn't notice the bats floating above her head.

Even though she is now invisible and cannot be seen by others, the vampire bats, a family of vampire bats, have already exposed her traces.

The blood bat floating above her head had already shown that all of this was unusual. Even if they didn't see Ye Yayan, the people of Wan Jianzong could tell from the blood bat.

"Who is it? You pretend to be a ghost, come out!" Just as Ye Yayan was walking forward, a thunderous voice sounded in front of Ye Yayan. At the same time, the blood bat moved at an incredible speed. He swooped down to where she was.

The blood bat's attack made Ye Yayan take a step back unconsciously, and just one step exposed her position.


There was a loud noise, and a deep hole was instantly smashed in front of Ye Yayan.


Seeing this scene, Ye Yayan's heart trembled, and he had a very bad intuition.

"Is it exposed?" Even though the figure is not visible, it was still noticed by the people of Wan Jianzong.

"Although they didn't find it, they already knew of your existence!" Even if they couldn't see anyone, they could roughly feel Ye Yayan's position. This place is really difficult.

However, the number of blood bats cannot be dealt with by Ye Yayan alone.

"Then what should I do?" Ye Yayan also noticed the existence of blood bats, which is what made her expose herself as soon as she entered here. If this is not resolved, let alone kill it The man who manipulated the skeleton man behind the scenes said that it would be difficult to take away the Ye Mingzhu.

"They can only be sure that there are people like you, but it will take a while to find you. We can use this time to make some noise!" Fortunately, they can only be sure that someone broke in , As for finding someone, they still need to spend a little time, and this period of time is just enough to make a little movement, and put those people into the movement they made.

"Yan'er, set up the formation. Simple formations are fine. These people are not very skilled in formations. You can do whatever you want!" Advanced formations are needed to treat them, and these people only need elementary formations.

Furthermore, this time, they didn't intend to wipe out all of Wan Jianzong's people, they only needed to kill one person, so ordinary formations were fine.

Ye Yayan completely carried out Luo Lihao's words, and immediately began to arrange formations one by one.

Ye Yayan also had quick eyesight and quick hands, and soon, some main roads were covered with formations.

Although the blood bats are still on the top of the head, these blood bats are just ordinary vampire bats. Regarding what she is doing now, these blood bats will not pass it on to the people of Wan Jianzong, she can naturally The array was laid out in front of the blood bat generously.

Ye Yayan's speed was very fast. On the way everyone came, a net had already been laid. Perhaps even the people of Wan Jianzong would not have thought that they would encounter a series of array attacks on their chassis.

(End of this chapter)

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