Chapter 522 Homegrown
Being fixed, this is too passive!
At this moment, the eyes of the man in black were full of astonishment. Ever since Ye Yayan entered the stone room, he had been paying attention to her every move and did not see her doing anything outstanding.

However, now, they were fixed, fixed by life.

This was something that had never happened before, and what he couldn't accept the most was how she made such a move under his nose.

If at this time, they don't know what happened to them, they would be too stupid.

The formation is right under their noses, Ye Yayan has already arranged the formation, and is waiting for them to jump down.

And they just jumped right in.

This is something they cannot accept!
"What do you want to do?" The woman is also a person who has experienced big storms, but for some reason, after seeing the smile on Ye Yayan's mouth, she suddenly felt very scared, a kind of fear that came from the soul .

"Nothing to do, just let you bear it. I think you will like the pain they have endured very much!" After Ye Ya finished speaking, a ray of light came out from between her and entered the woman's mind .

In an instant, the woman's screams began.

One sound is higher than the other, and the sound is worse than the other!

Hearing the woman's screams, the face of the big man in black suddenly changed.

He saw this woman's abnormality with his own eyes. She was not only perverted to other people, but also to himself. However, no matter how perverted she was to himself, she had never heard her screaming so much. It is conceivable that what happened to her up.

"I... don't want to die!" Yes, I don't want to die, and I don't want to experience this painful scene. Even a woman can't bear it. It can be seen how severe this pain is.

"If you don't want to die, you can tell me what happened here!" The sound insulation here is very good, so even if the woman shouts, no one will notice this place. The most important thing is that this place can be said to be a It's in a restricted area, if it's okay, everyone doesn't want to come here and deal with this perverted woman.

Therefore, everything that happens here will not be known to outsiders at all.

"Ah?" Ye Yayan's words, the big man in black couldn't react, he didn't know what Ye Yayan wanted to ask.

"What's going on with these people?" Ye Yayan wanted to find out their identities.

"Some were sent in from outside, and some were disciples of Wan Jianzong themselves, and these babies were produced and sold by Wan Jianzong!" The big man in black obviously had no sympathy at all, when he said this , there was no mood swing at all, especially when talking about the baby, the disdainful look really made Ye Yayan furious.


These four words irritated Ye Yayan, and completely aroused the anger in her heart.

People from Wan Jianzong, damn, damn, damn!

I originally thought that these babies were brought back from outside, but I didn't expect that these babies were the children of Wan Jianzong's disciples.

The next generation of Wan Jianzong was actually sent here. If it wasn't for the big man in black, even if Ye Yayan was killed, he would not believe that Wan Jianzong was doing such a heinous thing.

"Do they know?" Ye Yayan said they are the baby's parents. It's okay if they don't know, but if they know, then Ye Yayan doesn't know what words to use to describe it!
(End of this chapter)

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