The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 538 The dog that bites doesn't bark

Chapter 538 The dog that bites doesn't bark
That's what I said, but no one dares to be the first person to eat crabs.

The so-called method is just to send someone to test it out.

If it is true that Fen Shi Jinyan is picking people as the person said before, then they can only give up.

They can't make fun of their own lives!
Even if Fen Shi Jin Yan is important, their lives are even more important.

But, who should I send here?
They are all people who cherish their lives. If they are not careful, they will be wiped out, and there will be no dregs left.

Just when everyone was thinking about it and wanted to find someone to take the place of the dead ghost, suddenly, a person broke into everyone's field of vision.

Ye Qingchuan!
At this moment, everyone thought of Ye Qingchuan!

If Feng Linyue is the maverick in Wanjianzong, then Ye Qingchuan is also one.

Although not as outstanding as Feng Linyue, Ye Qingchuan is also an extremely out-of-group person.

In Wan Jianzong, there are absolutely no friends, but at least everyone is friendly on the surface, but Ye Qingchuan is not.

There seemed to be no smile on his face, that cold look, as if someone owed him money.

If the suzerain didn't value him very much, they wouldn't put hot faces on cold butts!

This time, it was time for them to revenge and complain.

If Ye Qingchuan was accidentally burned down by Fenshi Jinyan, the suzerain would not blame them. Who made Ye Qingchuan want to be Xu Wei's master so much!
They can completely shift the responsibility to Fen Shi Jinyan.

After figuring this out, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Qingchuan's body. The scorching temperature, like a searchlight of [-] volts, seemed to burn Ye Qingchuan to death.

Ye Qingchuan is not a fool, he naturally knows what everyone is thinking.

They are trying to force him to death.

However, no matter how hard they forced him, as long as he remained motionless, their plot would not succeed.

"Cough cough cough..." Seeing that Ye Qingchuan didn't react at all to their staring gaze, finally, some people couldn't bear it anymore.

"Brother Ye, from my point of view, you are the strongest, what do you think?" This person was quite tactful, but no matter how tactful he was, he knew what he wanted to express.

"You want me to go?" Ye Qingchuan is not a person who knows how to be euphemistic, and immediately exposed his plot.

"Eh... yes... such a meaning! After all, your strength is the most powerful among us. If it weren't for my lack of strength, I'm afraid I would..." The man's words were too soft, which made the night hiding in the dark Yayan was a little crazy.

Such a person should be hung up and slapped!

"Your strength is completely enough. If even a god-level powerhouse can't become his master, then whoever he wants to become his master, could it be Zong..." A main word was not uttered, but everyone present knew it well. bright.

As soon as Ye Qingchuan said this, everyone fell into silence.

They didn't expect Ye Qingchuan to be so sharp-tongued.

As soon as the words came out, they were blocked so that they had no fighting power.

It seems that the sentence that a biting dog does not bark is definitely a wise saying. Just look at Ye Qingchuan and you will know that it is usually completely unobtrusive. No, once you open your mouth, you can't help but want to hit the wall. Sure enough, he was the dog that bit but didn't bark.

Extremely insidious!
(End of this chapter)

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