Chapter 558 Someone Quit

"Yayan, I want to remind you that once you enter the kung fu, don't touch anything in the cave. Even if you want to take it, don't take it directly with your hands, but wrap it with a piece of cloth. , Of course, if you can, you'd better look at it with your eyes. It's not yours, and it's twisted if you hold it!" Ye Qingchuan tried his best not to want Ye Yayan to take things away from the cave.

That cave was evil, if possible, he naturally hoped that Ye Yayan would come out safely.

"I got it!" Ye Yayan's heart felt a little warm when he heard Ye Qingchuan's words, such concern is really good!

"Before I enter the cave, I must first confirm one thing, that is, are you all born and bred in Yuntian Continent?" This is very important.

Of course, Tian Yi asked this question not because he cared about the life and death of everyone, but because he wanted to know whether he had gotten involved.

He doesn't care about how many people die here, what he cares about is how much he can get this time.

If people from the Unsuitable Sky Continent mixed in, things would be much worse, so before opening it, he had to confirm this fact.

After a quarter of an hour passed, no one made a sound.

"Since no one responds, it means that everyone is born and bred. Well, now, everyone queues up to enter one by one. However, I want to remind everyone here to do what you can. If it doesn't work, get out quickly!" Tianyi's words moved everyone, but they sounded so harsh to Ye Yayan's ears.

Get out!

This is too easy to say, after entering the cave, no one can come out unless they find another way out.

But what he said was so beautiful, after the words fell, the eyes of everyone looked at him with a little more warmth, and immediately, he won the favor of many people.

It's a pity that only a few people can hear the elements in these words.

"Is this the cave we are going to enter?" At this time, everyone had come to a stone gate, looking at the stone gate, Ye Yashuang jumped out again.

This person is not a law-abiding master.

In the past three days, she has played a big role in her prestige, but the price is also the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill in her hand, and there is only one left!

"Hmm!" As for Ye Yashuang, everyone was really not interested in answering her words.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they were standing in front of the cave, not a cave but something.

"Now, everyone go in one by one, don't worry!" The entrance of the cave is so narrow that only one person can enter.

"Can I quit?" Suddenly, such a sentence came from the crowd.

After these words fell, all the elders of Wanjianzong became very ugly.

Their ugliness is not because this person wants to quit, but because they find that their brainwashing does not seem to be so thorough.

If the brainwashing was thorough, no one would ask this question.

Because they were ordered to enter this cave, no matter what price they had to pay, they had to enter the cave.

However, now some people raised objections. Obviously, this time the brainwashing was not successful.

"Why do you want to quit? If you give a legitimate reason, then there is no problem at all, but if you don't, then you can only enter this cave!" These words have actually brought threats!
(End of this chapter)

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