Chapter 560 Feeling Strange
It was precisely because of this that Ye Yashuang had such great confidence in killing Ye Yayan.

"Are you sure you want to solve it here, aren't you afraid of being hit by the elder again?" Ye Yayan's face became very ugly when Ye Yayan said this.

Naturally, she would not forget the shame she experienced three days ago.

However, it was also because of this point that Ye Yashuang did not dare to do anything.

She is really scared!

"Why is this place so weird?" Lin Xuan once again came to Ye Yayan's side. At this time, his expression was very ugly.

"Not feeling well?" At this moment, Lin Xuan's forehead was already covered with sweat, and his clothes were also soaked in sweat.

At this moment, he seemed to be pulled out of the water.

"I feel that there is an aura here that I don't like very much. This kind of aura makes me feel suffocated!" Lin Xuan's voice was weak, and in this case, he had no fighting power at all.

How is this good?

If Lin Xuan loses his combat power, he can't go anywhere, but can only sit here.

But sitting here is not so reassuring.

"Master, I want to come out!" The ghost servant who had been silent for a long time suddenly heard a voice, and even asked to come out.

"It's a bright day, are you sure you're okay?" Now, after all, it's not night. If it was night, there would be no problem for him to come out, but the problem is, right now, the sun is shining brightly above their heads!
Wait, the sun!
How can there be sun here?

They are in the underground cave!
Suddenly, Ye Yayan seemed to realize something, his face was full of horror.

"There is no need to doubt that we are still underground. The so-called sun here is not the sun, but the light emitted by the converging points in the formation. Therefore, there will be no problem for Yan Fei to come out!" I don't know It wasn't because the environment in Youlan Dimension was better, or because it was inconvenient for Luo Lihao to come out, at this time, he was still in Youlan Dimension.

"The light from the converging point in the formation? Are we in the center of the formation?" It's not surprising that this cave has a formation. What's strange is that they came to the center of the formation as soon as they entered. This is great luck Bar!

"Every place has a formation center, and our place is quite unique!" Although they entered through the same hole, they were teleported away after stepping here, so until now, only the night Yayan alone.

"By the way, Li Hao, why can I enter here even though I'm not from the Sky Continent? Is there no restriction?" Ye Yayan was curious about this point.

"I borrowed the power of others!" This kind of method of transferring flowers and trees is just a small method, he only needs to borrow a little strength from others.

Of course, this is also because Ye Yayan's strength is relatively weak. If it were him, it would be useless.

Naturally, even if he leaves Wan Jianzong now, he can only stay in Youlan Dimension.

"Could it be that you borrowed Ye Yashuang?" There is such a possibility that Luo Lihao's cleverness would have guessed the crap between her and Ye Yashuang.

"Of course!" Not borrowing from her, borrowing from someone else, you must know that borrowing some power is not other power, but life force.

He still has to think about making moves against other people, but against Ye Yashuang, that's out of his consideration at all!
(End of this chapter)

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