Chapter 572
Could it be because of Ye Ya's dual practice?

If this is the case, then what exactly is Ye Yashuang's practice?
Who is that person hiding behind her?

"The Death Scythe, it should be a fake!" After Luo Lihao heard Ye Yayan say the Death Scythe, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but soon, he ruled it out. I'm afraid, what they said The death sickle is a counterfeit.

With his temperament, how could he throw the death scythe away!
However, if it is a counterfeit, then the person who can make the death scythe is too powerful.

Yan Fei, as a person who is about to become a saint, is particularly sensitive to the breath of death. Since he can feel the breath of death emanating from the death scythe, it must be the breath of death.

It seems that he wants to take a look to confirm whether it is the death sickle.

If it is really the sickle of death, it would be terrible!

"Determine her location, find her!" Luo Lihao's voice was full of seriousness.

Yan Fei, who originally wanted to complain, didn't dare to stop after hearing Luo Lihao's serious voice, and signaled Ye Yayan to go to the place where Ye Yashuang was.

"Li Hao, is there something wrong?" Luo Lihao's voice was too serious, as far as she knew him, if something big hadn't happened, he wouldn't be like this.

"I suspect there is something wrong with the death scythe!" Luo Lihao didn't know if his guess was right, it's best not to be what he thought, otherwise, it would be bad.

"You mean counterfeit? Then you know the real Death Scythe?" Before, Luo Lihao said that the Death Scythe was fake. He must have seen the real Death Scythe before he could say it so abruptly. For a person like Luo Lihao, there are not many things that he can remember in his heart. Now that he can take the initiative to understand this matter, it is obvious that Luo Lihao knows and is very familiar with this person who uses the Death Scythe. In other words, the relationship is not bad.

"Well, I know, but, I know that person can't hand over the death scythe, unless he dies, otherwise..." The word death made Luo Lihao's heart twitch.

He is called Death God, but he is not immortal, and compared to others, once his body dies, it will disappear completely.

Generally speaking, the sword is in the person. Now, if the death scythe is real, will he die?

Thinking of this possibility, Luo Lihao's face turned pale!
No matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to revive a dead person!
"Let's go!" The seriousness of the matter has exceeded her prediction. At this time, Ye Yayan only wanted to find Ye Yashuang quickly, and then figure out the authenticity of the Death Scythe.

At this time, Ye Yashuang didn't know that Ye Yayan was looking for her, she just walked helplessly dragging a death scythe that was the same height as her.

She felt that her luck was so bad that she was actually entangled by this death scythe.

What she was looking for was not this at all, but this damned death scythe came to her, no matter how she tried to shake it, she couldn't shake it off.

However, what is surprising is that there is a strong death energy exuding from this sickle. This death energy can actually improve her strength. This is one of the reasons why she did not throw away the sickle even though she was depressed!

(End of this chapter)

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