Chapter 576
"Ye Yashuang, you are a tragedy. You have already called it like this. No one came. You are as sad as you. Now, our 'feast' is about to begin!" The corners of Ye Yayan's lips twitched Create a gorgeous arc.

How she treated herself back then, now give it back to her little by little!

clap clap clap...

The sound of the whip continued, and it hit Ye Yashuang's body one after another. Soon, Ye Yashuang's skin was ripped apart, and bright red blood flowed out of her body.

"It turns out that your blood is also red. I thought it had turned black a long time ago!" Looking at the blood flowing out of Ye Ya's body, a flash of red flashed in Ye Yayan's eyes, a dazzling red.

At this time, Ye Yayan was completely unaware that he already had the urge to go crazy.

Facing Ye Yashuang, the hatred in her heart was completely ignited at this moment.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty factor hidden in her body was also hooked at this moment.

Especially seeing Ye Yashuang's pained appearance, she actually felt excited, unspeakably excited.

This is a big deal!
But now, Ye Yayan didn't realize that something was wrong with her, she was still immersed in her own world and couldn't extricate herself.

"Ye Yashuang, does it hurt? Back then, I was in a hundred times the pain!" Ye Yayan kept talking about the past while hitting him.

But at this time, Ye Yashuang was already giving out a lot of anger and not getting in much, and she would die at any time.

However, Ye Yayan would not let her die so kindly. The moment she was about to close her eyes, a life fruit was thrown into Ye Yashuang's mouth.

In the eyes of others, the life fruit of genius and treasure is nothing in Ye Yayan's eyes. Naturally, Ye Yashuang also enjoyed the treatment of taking life fruit.

After eating the Life Fruit, Ye Yashuang's wounds were healing at a strange speed.

Almost 5 minutes later, the wounds on Ye Yashuang's body disappeared completely at this moment. If it weren't for the blood left on her body, I'm afraid she wouldn't think she was injured.

In this way, Ye Yayan abused Ye Yashuang again and again, pulling her back from the border of death again and again.

At this time, Ye Yayan's body began to be filled with blood, and thick red blood emerged from Ye Yayan's body.

"Master!" When things were out of control, a golden light shot out from the contract space, and it never left Ye Yayan's mind.

The moment the golden light came on, Luo Lihao also recovered his clarity. When he saw the red in Ye Yayan's eyes, his complexion became extremely ugly.

He actually made Ye Yayan fall into the magic way.

It would be bad if we didn't pull her back in time.

With Ye Yayan's bloodline, once she becomes demonized, no one will be her opponent when she grows up.

How to do?
In the current situation, if Ye Yayan wakes up unconsciously, there is nothing he can do.


Luo Lihao wished to destroy himself at this moment.

In his own presence, he was able to make Ye Yayan bewitched, he really hated himself to death.

"Master, wake up, wake up..." Yan Fei kept calling Ye Yayan, the light around him was shining brightly, and the golden light fell into Ye Yayan's mind one by one.

The saint's light is still very important to Ye Yayan.

Ye Yayan's eyes also began to become clearer, but the blood redness has not dissipated, and it has a tendency to become more and more red...

(End of this chapter)

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