Chapter 585 Memory Sharing

Is it because she is beautiful that she wants to save her?
If that's the case, that's not bad either!
As long as she can escape from this iron cage, she has the hope of surviving.

She has no spiritual power, but she still has fighting power, and her martial arts skills are good, so she should be sure to deal with people like them.

Besides, she didn't intend to start a killing, she just wanted to escape from here.

"Xiaona, let me tell you again, this person, if you let her go, then you will be the one to go to the sacrifice this time!" In order to make his sister no longer have this idea, he decided to tell the story Be more serious, at least let her know the price she will have to bear if Ye Yayan is let go.

Ye Yayan, since it fell from the sky, then it should be reduced to a sacrifice!

"I don't want it, I don't want it as a sacrifice, I don't want to sacrifice it!" Hearing Xiaogang's words, Xiaona shook her head like a rattle, and her eyes were full of fear.

"Let's go, put away your sympathy, they are human beings, they are not worth it!" Before leaving, Xiaogang gave Ye Yayan a vicious look, which contained a lot.

There is spurning, contempt, hatred, and a strong killing intent.

Such complicated eyes actually appeared in the eyes of a boy, Ye Yayan would never believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Obviously, what this boy has experienced is absolutely shocking, otherwise, there would be no such eyes.

"Where is this?" After the boy and the girl left, no one appeared again, as if she was the only one in the whole world.

Time passed unconsciously, but Ye Yayan was still unable to break free from the iron cage.

Every time you touch it, the electricity on the iron cage will increase. At this time, Ye Yayan's hands are already scorched black, but even so, Ye Yayan still did not give up.

"Master, it's useless. This iron cage is specially designed for human beings. The more you try to break free, the stronger the iron cage will be. So, give up!" When Ye Yayan kept trying, the Bai Ze's voice sounded.

"Bai Ze, are you alright?" Ye Yayan was a little surprised by Bai Ze's voice. Although Bai Ze's voice sounded weak, at least Bai Ze spoke.

"It's almost fine. This time, it's a blessing in disguise. I'm about to enter maturity, so..." So, it will sleep for a while, and it doesn't know when it will wake up.

At this time, it is definitely an opportunity for Bai Ze to enter the growth stage, but now, he also understands that Ye Yayan needs it.


"I'm fine, don't worry, this little predicament can't trap me, besides, I'm also a human being with the blood of the demon king, and these demon clans won't do me much harm!" She who has the blood of the demon king in her body , at least crush them in blood.

"Master, I will share some of my memories with you. Now, get ready!" Ye Yayan was taken aback by Bai Ze's words, and then his face was full of surprise.

Memory sharing!

"No!" Bai Ze's own strength has not yet recovered, once the memory is shared, it will cause harm to it.

"Don't worry, not all the memories are shared, just a little bit of memories about the Yaozu!" Under Bai Ze's flat tone, there is indeed a fiery heart for Ye Yayan!

(End of this chapter)

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