The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 595 The Key to the Rise of the Monster Race

Chapter 595 The Key to the Rise of the Monster Race

From the perspective of the Yaozu people, the only thing they care about is the rise of the Yaozu, and Mu Wan's words directly hit their pulse, which made them have to consider whether to keep Ye Yayan.

When Mu Xin heard this, her face changed slightly, but it quickly returned to normal!
She can't show the slightest tell!
"If she is really the key to the rise of our Yaozu, then I think we should send her to the altar again!" After a long silence, suddenly, such a voice came from among the Yaozu.

When this voice sounded, Mu Xin couldn't help but applaud.

If she wasn't afraid of arousing Mu Wan's suspicion, she would have spoken a long time ago.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to bring the topic back to the altar, but she couldn't find anything to talk about, but now, since someone started it, she didn't need to waste much time.

Sure enough, after these words fell, everyone nodded.

"That's right, if it's really about the rise of our monster race, then she can come to the altar again!"

"I agree with that!"

"We have no objections either!"


At this moment, everyone pointed their finger at Ye Yayan again.

If they still felt that Ye Yayan had defiled their altar before, now they want to prove it.

If Ye Yayan is really the key to the rise of their monster clan, then they will worship her like an ancestor, if not, then don't blame them for being cruel.

To the enemy, they don't have much kindness!

The altar, once again sent Ye Yayan to the altar, Mu Wan did not agree, but if she objected again, she would be conceded.

It's hard to ride a tiger!

Now, all the monster clans are waiting for Ye Yayan to make a decision.

It's just that this decision is really difficult!
"I want to feel the altar of the Yaozu again!" Ye Yayan spoke suddenly when Mu Wan didn't know how to speak.

As soon as she said this, Mu Wan and the entire monster clan's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Is this person out of his mind?
Doesn't she know what the altar of the Yaozu is?

"Don't be ashamed!"

"What a lifeless person!"

"What an arrogant tone, I want to see how confident she is!"

"Why do I feel that she is struggling before the interim!"


As soon as Ye Yayan uttered these words, he immediately became the target of attack by everyone.


Mu Wan sighed heavily, if Ye Yayan hadn't said this, there might still be room for change, but now, it's useless to say anything.

"Send it away!" Mu Wan waved her hand, motioning for everyone to put Ye Yayan on the altar.

As soon as Mu Wan finished speaking, she couldn't bear it any longer, she rushed up and carried the iron cage to the place where the altar was.

With this movement, everyone naturally wouldn't stay where they were, and immediately followed.

"Sister, why do I think you are so obedient! You know her? If I really do, I might be able to make them stop!" Mu Xin leaned closer to Mu Wan's ear and said these words softly.

One sentence is called caring, but it is actually exploring!

"Can you make them stop?" Why do you, Mu Wan didn't say this, but secretly added this sentence in her heart.

As soon as Mu Xin said these words, Mu Wan's expression changed slightly, but soon disappeared completely, as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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