The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 599: Inheritance of the Monster Clan

Chapter 599: Inheritance of the Monster Clan

What did she see?
This was everyone's first reaction when they saw Ye Yayan appearing in front of them again.

Such a horrified expression must have been through something.

However, she has always been inside the lotus altar and never left at all. If she had to say what she experienced, it was on the altar.

The altar, could it be that there is something wrong with the altar?
The monster races are still quite smart, and their ability to infer other cases from one instance is not bad. At least, right now, they are not thinking in other directions.

They all agreed that something happened to Ye Yayan inside the altar.

Mu Wan and Mu Xin looked at Ye Yayan's appearance, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The other monster races must not know what is inside the altar, but they do.

However, there is nothing inside the altar, and there is nothing on the smooth jade wall.

However, now, Ye Yayan's reaction doesn't seem to be nothing.

After having this idea, Mu Xin moved, wanting to find out, but before she moved, Mu Wan took a step ahead.

At this step, Mu Wan touched the altar and looked at Ye Yayan inside the altar.

However, what puzzled her was that there was nothing inside the altar, and what she saw was the same altar as before, without any changes.

Now, what did Ye Yayan see?
At this time, Mu Xin felt as if there were thousands of cat's paws scratching her heart, she was very uncomfortable, she also wanted to know what Ye Yayan saw in the altar.

However, in order not to let everyone know, she also has the blood of the demon king in her body, so she can only hold herself back and keep herself from approaching the altar.

"Sister, sister..." Mu Xin shouted after realizing Mu Wan's silly reaction.

Mu Wan, what did you see?
Mu Wan's reaction is really not right, this feeling is really annoying!
"It's okay!" When Mu Wan saw the strong curiosity in Mu Xin's eyes, her eyes flickered slightly, and she said these two words.

As soon as these two came out, Mu Xin's heart trembled, if nothing happened, it meant something happened.

In the end, what was found?
Or, did she see any changes?
Mu Wan didn't know that her two words of "nothing" caused Mu Xin to misunderstand a lot. At least, in her opinion, Mu Wan had a lot to hide from her.

It's just that Mu Xin really doesn't know, Mu Wan really didn't see the changes in the altar, and the word "nothing" is not deceptive.

People, once you have doubts, no matter what you say or do, you will never believe it. At this time, Mu Wan and Mu Xin are facing this situation.

"Why did the golden light appear?" Mu Xin's words aroused the curiosity of the entire monster clan. The golden light appeared inexplicably. If Ye Yayan hadn't been thrown into the altar, wouldn't the golden light flash?

If so, it means that Ye Yayan has a certain relationship with the altar.

This guess was really right for them. Ye Yayan did have some kind of relationship with the altar. It can be said that it is a kind of inheritance.

Inheritance from the Yaozu!
As Ye Yayan, who has the blood of the demon king, he was recognized by the altar when he entered the altar. Coupled with the incorporation of blood, the altar changed, and the inheritance of the demon clan was introduced into the altar. In Ye Yayan's body.

However, Ye Yayan's strength at this time is limited, and has not inspired the real inheritance of the Yaozu. As her strength improves, the inheritance of the Yaozu will be revealed little by little.

(End of this chapter)

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