Chapter 605 Find a Step Down

It would be really bad if Mu Wan saw the blue bracelet on her wrist, at least for now, she must do everything possible to hide the blue bracelet on her wrist.

The blue bracelet was left by Mu Wan to her daughter, if she really took it out, it would be terrible.

So, now, if possible, she will never take out the blue bracelet.

"Well, I need some time!" After all, Ye Yayan is now a prisoner. If Ye Yayan is released rashly, her majesty will be wiped out in front of all the monsters. However, if Mu Wan is released If so, then...

As for the difference between Mu Wan and Ye Yayan, if she said a few words in Mu Wan's ear, would Mu Wan agree?

Now, Mu Wan needs a step, a step that allows her to open her mouth and let Ye Yayan go.

Since Mu Wan can't pave this step, let her pave it!

Although she followed Mu Wan's wishes this time, she was also thinking about it for the long term.

Since he was able to send Ye Yayan to his side, it proved that Ye Yayan was an extremely useful person. If so, how could she miss it.

The most important thing is that she wants to know whether Mu Wan has anything to do with Ye Yayan.

She always felt that things were not that simple.

If there was no relationship between these two, Mu Wan would not have such a strange reaction.

After being a sister for so many years, she only needed an expression to know what she wanted to do, but this time, when facing Ye Yayan, she couldn't see through.

What is hidden here?
Also, does Mu Wan also know him?
know him?
Suddenly, Mu Xin actually had a deep sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis also made the fire of jealousy in her body burn even more vigorously.

If at this time, Ye Yayan knew that one of her lies would make Mu Xin's jealousy towards Mu Wan worse, I don't know how she would react.

At least, she wouldn't lie about such things.

However, once a lie has been spoken, it can never be taken back.

Just like water that has been poured out, it cannot be returned to the basin no matter what.

"I'll go discuss it with my sister, you just wait here!" After Mu Xin said this, she left the place.

She has to think about her next move.

It seemed that her movements had to be quickened, otherwise, there would be some moths.

After Mu Xin left, it was Mu Wan's personal maid A Xiao who appeared in front of Ye Yayan.

"What's the relationship between you and my king?" Not only did Mu Xin notice something was wrong with Mu Wan before, but as a personal maid, she also noticed that Mu Wan was unusual.

And this unusual one came from Ye Yayan.

She will never watch Mu Wan cast aside by the entire Yaozu just to save Ye Yayan, she must protect Mu Wan well.

"The person you should worry about is Mu Xin!" Ye Yayan said bluntly, although she didn't know who this woman was, she had been by Mu Wan's side since just now, presumably she was her maid.

Since she will appear here, it means that she is worried about Mu Wan.

If so, they are on the same front.

"Mu Xin, hehe..." Ah Xiao suddenly laughed, as if Ye Yayan had told a big joke.

"Isn't it? Even as an outsider, I can still see Mu Xin's ambition!" Even though Mu Wan has already noticed it, she still wants to remind her, after all, the extermination of the monster clan is a fact!

(End of this chapter)

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