The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 607 Escape from the Iron Cage

Chapter 607 Escape from the Iron Cage
As long as Ye Yayan is killed, will the matter be resolved satisfactorily?
At this moment, Ah Xiao once again became murderous. If she could, even if Mu Wan scolded her harshly, she would be willing. She couldn't let Mu Wan be criticized by everyone.

"Hey... how many people want to kill me?" Ye Yayan also sensed Ah Xiao's killing intent, and sure enough, different races are not so friendly.

What kind of material is this iron cage made of? Why can't she get out?
"Master, don't you know cartilage skills? Use cartilage skills!" Feng Xi's voice came again.

Cartilage work!
After hearing Feng Xi's words, Ye Yayan seemed to be enlightened, his eyes were full of light.

This iron cage is not tight without any gaps, as long as she uses the bone shrinking skill, she can get out, and this gap is not difficult for her.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ye Yayan didn't hesitate at the moment, as soon as he moved his bone shrinking skill, he immediately got out of the iron cage.

"Is this the monster clan?" Ye Yayan paced slowly among the monster clan, looking at the wooden houses, a flash of impulsiveness flashed in Ye Yayan's eyes.

She wanted to enter the wooden houses, especially the largest wooden house.

She knew that Mu Wan was in that wooden house, and she wanted to feel her mother's embrace, but now, she could only watch from the outside.

She can't get close, she can't even tell about their relationship.

Of course, she also understood that even if she told about their relationship, no one would believe it, what's more, they would think what she said was a big joke.

Indeed, it is impossible for Mu Wan to have a daughter, and she doesn't have such an old daughter.

Most importantly, she fell from the sky!
Appearing in front of everyone so suddenly, no one dared to accept this suddenness.

"Sister, don't you want to release Ye Yayan?" Mu Xin always said whatever she wanted to Mu Wan, and never knew how to beat around the bush.

She knew that even if she said something, Mu Wan smiled slightly and took it away, so this time, even though she wanted to discuss it carefully, Mu Xin never thought of using any euphemistic words to make Mu Wan take the initiative speak out.

In her opinion, by raising this question, she was doing Mu Wan a favor.

But, this time, Mu Xin guessed wrong!
Mu Wan really wanted to release Ye Yayan from the iron cage, but not now.

The current monster race is too chaotic, she doesn't want to involve Ye Yayan in the chaos, if possible, she wants Ye Yayan to answer the human world.

Humans and monsters simply cannot exist at the same time.

Therefore, for Ye Yayan right now, staying in the iron cage is the safest.

"Why did you change your mind? If I remember correctly, you seem to want her to die!" In the past, she really looked at Mu Xin as a child, but she didn't know when she saw Mu Xin through Mu Xin's eyes. When it comes to jealousy, the kind of jealousy hidden deep in the eyes.

She, Mu Xin, is actually jealous of her!
After realizing this, Mu Wan was stunned in place. The sister she was thinking of doing for, actually had jealousy hidden deep in her eyes.

If this jealousy spreads a little bit, that's a big deal.

Moreover, what made her feel that the situation was serious was that she actually saw the killing intent in this jealousy. Although the killing intent towards her was only fleeting, she still saw it!
(End of this chapter)

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