The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 611 Wives and Concubines

Chapter 611 Wives and Concubines
"Are you talking about me?" Ye Yayan's voice rang out in the room.

The words of Mu Wan and Mu Xin appeared in Ye Yayan's ears verbatim.

Not only does she know how to shrink bones, but she also knows invisibility. With this beautiful invisibility, even Mu Wan and Mu Xin didn't realize that someone had entered their room.

"Ye Yayan, come here!" Mu Xin was not at all surprised that Ye Yayan would appear here, but Mu Wan's face was full of shock after seeing Ye Yayan appear in the room .

"Come here? Come here to be a shield for you?" Ye Yayan had been listening outside for a long time, but she didn't show up until now, not for any reason, but to make an appearance at the last moment.

Before that, she already knew what she wanted to know.

"You...what are you talking about? Am I not your mistress?" Mu Xin heard Ye Yayan's words, and looking at her current reaction, she knew that she had been tricked by her, and she played her hard.

At this moment, Mu Xin's palm was full of strength, and she might attack Ye Yayan at any time.

"Mistress? Oh, yes, master, I forgot to say a word before, that is, the master asked me to tell you, if you don't take down the king of the monster clan and become the new king of the monster clan, then I'm afraid he's going to marry someone else!" Ye Yayan didn't forget to get rid of Mu Xin at this moment!
Even a slightly stupid person can hear the teasing meaning in Ye Yayan's words, but Mu Xin, who is in love, has no such feeling at all. In her opinion, Ye Yayan's If so, there is a 50.00% possibility.

Because all along, he has been telling her to let her seize the Yaozu, control the Yaozu in his own hands, and then take the identity card of the Yaozu king as her dowry!
If you are a smart person, after thinking about this, you should understand that he is not a good person at all. If he is a good person, he would not say such a thing.

It's a pity that Mu Xin's mind is completely knotted. In her opinion, this is the man's belief in her love.

If Mu Wan and Ye Yayan knew what Mu Xin was thinking at this moment, they would definitely slap her and wake her up.

"No! No! No! He can't marry someone else, if he wants to marry, he must marry me!" At this moment, Mu Xin was a little sissy.

Could such a crazy woman be the saint on the stone wall?

"Enough, Xin'er, that man doesn't love you at all, what he loves is himself, he has wives, and more than one, can you accept him like this?" When Mu Wan said this, Mu Xin was stunned. Stopped, Ye Yayan was stunned.

Mu Xin was stunned because Mu Wan said that the man had several wives, how could she accept it.

But Ye Yayan was stunned by Mu Wan's disdain and disgust for that man in her words.

Mu Wan, she can't accept a man with a wife and concubine at all, so why did she become Ye Hongguang's concubine?

This is what Ye Yayan has always wanted to know. She has many doubts about Mu Wan becoming Ye Hongguang's concubine.

In the end, what happened in the first place?
Let Mu Wan become Ye Hongguang's concubine!

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible, you lied to me, you lied to me..." Mu Xin rushed out while crying.

She knew that Mu Wan would not say something targeted, since she said it, it must be the truth, but she couldn't accept it at all, and she was powerless to accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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