Chapter 615 I Hate You

"Did Miss Xin'er tell her?" Ah Xiao thought of this possibility. After all, this is an internal matter of the Yaozu, and outsiders will never know, especially Ye Yayan who fell from the sky.

"No, Xin'er will not tell anyone about Yang Ming, she has no need to say this!" Mu Wan still understands Mu Xin, she is not someone who will tell Yang Ming's affairs, moreover, she There is no need to say Yang Ming.

"Then how would she know Yangming as an outsider?" Ah Xiao was still thinking about how Ye Yayan knew Yangming, but Mu Wan was thinking about what Ye Yayan said before, that sentence came for her, What exactly does that mean.

As for Yangming, she didn't think about it.

Yangming's strength is also considered outstanding among the monster clan, and since Ye Yayan came here for her, he will definitely not do anything to other people. Moreover, with Ye Yayan's strength, he cannot threaten them.

However, it is easy to hide a hidden arrow and difficult to defend against it, so what should be defended should be guarded against.

But, for some reason, Mu Wan felt that she shouldn't be on guard against Ye Yayan, this feeling was like instinct!

Who the hell is she?
At this time, Mu Wan was driven crazy by Ye Yayan.

"Wang, what's the matter with you?" A Xiao saw Mu Wan shaking her head constantly, and knew that she was worried about Ye Yayan.

Indeed, their king is so different to Ye Yayan!

"A Xiao, maybe you will find it funny to say it, but I really feel that I have a relationship with her, and this relationship is probably..." Even in the face of A Xiao's close confidant, she couldn't say it out.

Did she want to say that she thought Ye Yayan was her daughter?

If she said this, maybe Ah Xiao would think that there was something wrong with her head!

Unconsciously, Mu Wan stroked her stomach again.

There is already a little life there, and she hasn't told him the good news yet.

Should she tell him?

The encounter between her and him was an accident, but they loved each other deeply, but she didn't know his identity at all, she even only knew his name, and she didn't know everything about him.

Rubbing her belly, Mu Wan suddenly felt sad.

At this moment, she realized how little she knew about him!
"Wang? What's the matter with you?" Mu Wan's distraction made Ah Xiao a little strange, especially the expression on Mu Wan's face was even more weird.

"It's okay, I want to be quiet!" Mu Wan motioned A Xiao to leave, she wanted to be alone and think about the way to go next.

After Ye Yayan left Mu Wan's room, she couldn't help sighing heavily. She was so depressed, she didn't know when it would end, when she would be able to return to real life.

Although it's good to see Mu Wan, the prerequisite is that they can tell everything, she doesn't want to keep lying to her like this.

Also, who is her real father?
"Mu Wan, you hate you!" Just as Ye Yayan was walking in the dark night, Mu Xin's voice full of hatred suddenly came.

This voice pierced through the sky and entered the ears of all the monster races.

Hearing this voice, Ye Yayan shook his head slightly.

This kind of IQ is really worrying. If you form a teammate with her, you will really be fooled by her.

In this case, if it is used by someone's heart, it will provoke a battle between Mu Wan and Mu Xin.

However, their current situation, even if no one takes advantage of it, their relationship will break down, causing a battle!
(End of this chapter)

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