Chapter 627 Seeds of Vengeance

"Ten years, hehe..." Ye Yayan laughed when he heard Han Feng's words.

Time, match!

The name is also suitable!
It seems that the extremely disgusting person is the one who became the master of the Dark Temple.

"Has the Temple of Darkness always been against the Temple of Light?" The so-called enemy of the enemy is his friend.

"Of course, this is a question left over from history!" Han Feng was really curious about Ye Yayan's question.

The relationship between the Temple of Darkness and the Temple of Light is obvious, and it is really strange that she suddenly asked this question now.

"Hall Master of the Dark Temple, I want to destroy!" Mie will be buried with the entire monster clan!

Since she has the blood of the demon king in her body, she is a member of the demon clan. If the demon clan is destroyed, she will avenge the demon clan.


At this moment, the seeds of revenge were buried in his heart.

"Eh..." Hearing Ye Yayan's words, three black lines crossed Han Feng's forehead.

"Hall Master of the Dark Temple, did you provoke you?" Ye Yayan was not a murderer either, what she said suddenly made him very puzzled!
"En!" Ye Yayan nodded, it wasn't her that he provoked, but the entire monster clan.

After going back in time, she found that there were still many suspicious points, but now, she didn't have time to sort out all of them, all she had to do now was to leave here.

"Where are the others?" Here, there are many people coming in, but until now, she doesn't seem to see anyone else, except Han Feng!
"I don't know, it seems that all the passages here are connected, but none of them came here!" Han Feng felt strange about this.

He has been standing here for quite some time, but no one came here.

"Let's get out of here first and find other people?"

"Don't look for it, they're here!" Just after Ye Ya spoke, the sound of tapping came from not far away.

"Go!" Hearing the voice, Ye Yayan's first reaction was to leave here instead of staying where they were and waiting for their arrival.

"Ah?" Before Han Feng could react, Ye Yayan dragged him to other passages.

Ye Yayan's sixth sense is very strong, she suddenly discovered that the people who came here this time are definitely not ordinary people, at least not living people!
Yes, not a living person!
"What's wrong?" Han Feng was a little puzzled.

"Those people, I'm afraid they are not human!" Ye Yayan replied, while signaling Han Feng to leave quickly.

"Not a person? What is that?" Ye Yayan's words were a little strange, and Han Feng couldn't react.

"Their footsteps are too consistent. They are not born in the army, so it is impossible to have such uniform movements. Don't you find that the sound of their stepping down is a bit weird?" Ye Yayan's judgment is also quite good , No, she realized the problem immediately.

"That's true, but how do you judge that they are not human?" Even if Ye Yayan's words are correct, but to judge whether they are alive or not, you need other arguments.

"Breathe, they're not breathing!" Even though they were far away, Ye Yayan could still feel that they were not breathing, not even the slightest breath.

Can one be called a living person without breathing?
Of course not, this kind of common sense can be understood by a three-year-old child!

"No? Why didn't I notice it?" Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan strangely...

(End of this chapter)

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