Chapter 633
"Master, don't throw it away, do you want me to be so busy?" Suddenly, Youlan's voice came from Youlan space. For the first time, Youlan thought that all the treasures were too busy to die. Ye Yayan did not expect this point.

"Too busy? You Lan, you can completely ignore it!" She threw the random treasures into Youlan Space casually, but Youlan can completely ignore them until she goes in to sort them out.

"Didn't the master discover that these treasures have their own evil spirits?" The reason why he is so busy is to get rid of the evil spirits on these treasures. You must know that the evil spirits on these treasures are not so easy to get rid of. If it weren't for him His strength is not bad, I am afraid, it is impossible to face so many treasures with evil spirits now.

"Evil?" She really didn't think about this point, because she couldn't feel the evil in these treasures at all.

In her opinion, these treasures are normal, and there is nothing wrong with them at all, but she naturally believes what You Lan said.

"Yes, master, a very powerful evil spirit, although it can't hurt you for a while, but after a long time of contact, it will make you fall into the devil's way!" .

When these treasures were thrown into the blue space by Ye Yayan, he discovered that there was a strong evil spirit above these treasures, but it hadn't leaked out for a long time, and it would be bad if the evil spirit above the treasures leaked out.

"So that's how it is!" No wonder she took the treasure, but the treasure didn't respond at all, it turned out that this was the strange point.

She wondered why the treasure was taken away by them so obediently this time.

"Han Feng, do you believe me?" Ye Yayan didn't directly say that there is evil spirit on the treasure, but said this sentence.

As soon as these words came out, Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan in a strange way, not understanding what she meant.

"What do you mean? Of course I believe you!" The toxins on his body depended on Ye Yayan to undo it. If he didn't believe her, he wouldn't stay here.

"There is evil in the treasure!" Zai is what Ye Yayan wants to say. Now, Han Feng is in the same boat as him. Since he is a comrade-in-arms, there are some things that must be told to him, after all, it is a matter of life.

"Evil spirit? It's so hot!" Han Feng threw away the treasure decisively the moment he heard Ye Ya's words.

Since Ye Yayan said that he had evil spirits, it would naturally not be a lie. Han Feng still knew a little about Ye Yayan. For the sake of his own life, he not only threw out the treasure in his hand, but also put it in before. The treasures in the space ring were also thrown out.

Treasures are good, but they are not as important as life.

"Aren't you going to throw it away?" Ye Yayan put a lot of treasures into the interspatial ring, but she didn't respond.

"I can suppress a part of the evil spirit, but if it exceeds that amount, there is nothing I can do!" Ye Yayan's words were very meaningful. As a smart person, Han Feng understood it at one point, so he no longer entangled in this topic superior.

"Watching these treasures dangling in front of me, but I can't hold them in my hands, this feeling is so frightening!" Han Feng looked at these treasures unwillingly. These are rare treasures, and they cannot be held. In his hands, it really tickles his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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