The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 638 There Are Two Eyes Behind It

Chapter 638 There Are Two Eyes Behind It
After Ye Yayan finished speaking, a group of rotting corpses appeared in front of Ye Yayan and Han Feng.

"Who are these people?" Although the rot had made people unable to see their original appearance clearly, Ye Yayan still recognized that these people were the ones who entered the cave together with them.

Even if there were only a small number of people, these people did enter the cave with her.

After entering the cave, what happened to them?
Why did it become a dead body, and still appear in such a form?

This point is worth exploring!
"Don't tell me, you know them?" Ye Yayan's reaction was obviously telling him that she knew these people, even if she didn't know them, at least she knew who they were.

"It's not that I know each other, but I did meet them, and they entered this cave with me!" There is nothing to hide about this, after all, they did enter here with her.

"As for the other part, I think it should be the people who entered here before!" This is Ye Yayan's conjecture, but this conjecture is probably indistinguishable.

"It sounds scary!" Ye Yayan's words made Han Feng's brain open, but his brows were furrowed tightly.

These people entered here together with Ye Yayan, but they turned into dead bodies, and they appeared in front of them again in this way. Were they refined or controlled?
He doesn't know this, but one thing is certain, there are people in this cave that they don't know.

That person might be watching their every move right now.

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Yayan and Han Feng's expressions became very ugly.

Who wants to be watched, the most important thing is that until now, they haven't found out where the person watching them is.

"I don't know who is staring at them?" When this thought came to mind, they felt that there was an extra pair of eyes behind them, but they didn't know where the eyes behind them came from, nor who they were.

"Could it be a member of the Yaozu?" Han Feng suddenly thought of this possibility.

"Perhaps, there is such a possibility!" The monster race and human beings are like natural enemies, and no one looks down on the other. If they meet, it will definitely be a fight.

But now, this place shows from all kinds of signs that it is the place where the Yaozu lived. If outsiders like them broke into this place, it would undoubtedly be like a wolf entering the tiger's mouth.

Han Feng suddenly discovered that their conjecture was completely valid.

The methods of the Yaozu are endless, and those people are probably planted on the treasure.

The aforementioned treasure has evil spirits, could it be made by the monster race?

Those treasures, with alluring treasures, constantly lured them, thus making them fall step by step into the traps they had set up.

"Perhaps, it's really the Yaozu!" Ye Yayan was not as excited as he imagined when he thought of the Yaozu, but felt like he didn't know how to say it.

At this time, Ye Yayan didn't know what words to use to describe the feeling in his heart at this time.

"If it's really a monster, what would you do?" Han Feng did not ignore the fact that Ye Yayan has half of the blood of the monster. If it was really done by a member of the monster, what would she, Ye Yayan, do? deal with?

(End of this chapter)

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