Chapter 640

If the blood of the Ye family can merge with the blood of the demon king, then after he leaves here, he must marry a child of the Ye family. If so, how powerful his child's blood will be.

"The bloodline of the Ye family is probably not as strong as the bloodline in your body. I don't know what kind of bloodline is in the body, but I know that this bloodline is invincible. Back then, who was the man Mu Wan fell in love with? It's a mystery!" Ye Yayan didn't know why she wanted to tell Han Feng this, she only knew that she wanted to confide something in her heart.

Some things have been held in my heart for too long, and I can't spit them out!

"There is a long way to go!" Han Feng could only sigh in this way, but he did not expect Ye Yayan's life experience to be so rough.

"You still think back to when my mother went to the Han's house, what was it for?" There is something in the Han's house that Mu Wan should miss, and there is also the Ye's house.

"I really can't remember it. If I knew that I would have to know what happened back then, I would have eavesdropped on everything I said!" After all, it wasn't direct contact, so he couldn't tell.

At this time, Han Feng suddenly thought of a sentence, that is, why bother to know today!

"Do you think your mother will be here?" If there is a demon clan here, is Mu Wan, who is the demon king, also here?
This thought of Han Feng made Ye Yayan's breathing quicken. If it was true as he said, would she be able to see Mu Wan?

"It shouldn't be possible!" Soon, Ye Yayan regained her composure. In her opinion, this possibility is very small. Mu Wan should not be on this continent long ago. If she is still there, then why didn't she return Appear.

No, if the information received by the Dark Temple is accurate, then Mu Wan should be at Ye's house now?

night home?

Ye Yayan realized that no matter how he thought about it, there was a problem. If he continued to think like this, his head would explode!
"Don't think about it, let's think about how to deal with them!" At this time, what they were facing was not a monster race, but a group of dead people, a group of dead people exuding an evil aura.

"It doesn't seem very easy to deal with!" Han Feng found that although these people were dead, they still retained the power of the previous life. When they walked around, the power was released unconsciously, which made him very stressed.

"It's really hard to deal with!" Ye Yayan also noticed that these dead people are not so easy to deal with, at least with ordinary means, they can't cause harm to them. If they want to leave here, they must kill these dead people.

Extinction is not just talking, but also action.

"Ye Yayan, how about we use fire?" Fire, which can wipe out these dead people, may be the best way to deal with them.

"Do you think fire can be used here?" Right after Han Feng finished speaking, Ye Yayan found that the stone chambers around them had changed drastically. The space they were in now was all made of wood, that is, Once they use fire, not only will they not burn these dead people, but will let them enter the sea of ​​flames, which is definitely not worth the loss.

"Paralyzed, this is going to drive us to death!" Han Feng also noticed the changes in the space they were in, looking at the wooden structure around him, his eyes flashed with cruelty.

If you couldn't be sure that someone was controlling this place before, then now, you can be [-]% sure that someone is controlling this cave, otherwise, the space they are in will not change at will!
(End of this chapter)

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