Chapter 646
"You mean that there are monster races that were not completely annihilated, but mixed with humans, and then raised their offspring together with humans?" Han Feng's thinking is still unique. He actually thought of this aspect directly, and they also raised their offspring together.

"Don't you think the direction of your question is a bit off?" Ordinary people really wouldn't ask like Han Feng!

"That's right, shouldn't you be asking this question?" Regarding Ye Yayan's question, Han Feng still felt strange. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with the question he asked, even though monster races and human beings are immortal However, it is quite easy for the Yaozu to integrate into human beings. As for raising their offspring together, they are not half of the Yaozu as Ye Ya said.

If she hadn't guided him like this, he wouldn't have asked such a question.

"Do you think the monster race and the human race can live together?" As soon as this question came out, Han Feng froze in place.


Soon, he came to this result.

The battle between the human race and the monster race has already started from the beginning, and it is impossible for the human race and the monster race to live together, so what he said before is completely a problem.

It's just that if it's not for raising the offspring together, what Ye Yayan said before is problematic, and it's still a big problem.

What happened to half of the blood of the monster race?

"Humans can give birth to children of the Yaozu, but they will not let them live. What the Yaozu wants is only children, and children with half human blood!" Although this is Ye Yayan's assumption, Ye Yayan Believe me, your assumption is correct.

Yaozu, want to be the Yaozu of human blood.

Chen Lin is a monster clan with half blood, and what he wants to do is to subvert the entire monster clan. Will the monster clan with half human blood subvert the human race?

Perhaps the most important point is that during the mass extinction, the Yaozu no longer had any women. In order to survive the Yaozu, they had to attack the women of the Human Race.

Only in this way can the glory of the Yaozu be continued.

However, they also know that a member of the demon clan with half the blood of a human is not comparable to a pure demon clan member after all, but they have no choice, the two men cannot have children at all, so they can only look at Put it on a human woman.

If they want to prosper and live in the monster clan, that's the only way to do it!
"Alas..." Youyou sighed.

Han Feng and Ye Yayan kept chatting for an unknown amount of time, until a figure appeared in front of them, and the two stopped talking.

"You guys are so excited!" The visitor didn't expect that these two people had nothing to do. On the top of this snow mountain, they were chatting and eating, and they looked very comfortable, as if they were visiting their own back garden. .

"The interest is given by me, you, you are the master of the cave!" The visitor is very handsome, but there is a kind of evil spirit under this handsome, anyway, at first glance, this man is not a good guy!
"Haha...Isn't this my humble one, is it possible that my humble one exudes the aura of being the master of this cave?" The man smiled slightly. The smile seemed weird no matter how you looked at it. The most important thing was that there was a charming aura underneath this smile.

If ordinary people meet, they will really be attracted by him, but unfortunately, the person standing opposite him is Ye Yayan, who will not be confused by someone like him at all!

(End of this chapter)

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