Chapter 654 Do You Need Help?
This is the end of the game!

Is his life really over like this?
No, he doesn't!

"Is there no way?" Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan with the remaining hope in his eyes.

He knew that if Lian Ye Yayan had no choice, then there was really no way.

"There is always a solution, but it just takes time!" The solution is something that people come up with. If there is no solution now, it doesn't mean that there won't be one in the future, but it will take too long.

"Ye Yayan, what we lack now is time!" They were trapped in the formation, and time passed day by day. What they lack most is not patience, but time.

In the death formation, there is nothing that can threaten them, not even illusions, but such an inconspicuous formation always exudes the breath of death. Once they can't hold on, That is not far from death.

Especially with the passage of time, their xinxing has long been smoothed out. If this continues, there must be only one ending, and that is death.

Time, they do lack!

The half-year agreement seems to have passed!

The original half-year agreement has already passed, Ye Yayan just wanted to say one thing at this time, time flies so fucking fast.

"Since you can recognize the death formation from the beginning, do you know how the death formation is arranged?" As long as you know the arrangement of the formation, there is still some hope for breaking the formation.

"Arrangement?" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Han Feng began to recall that he had indeed memorized the arrangement of the formation.

At that moment, Han Feng took out a sword from the space ring and began to draw in the snow.

Following Han Feng's outline, Ye Yayan also saw some tricks, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, the more he looked, the more he felt that the formation they were in was not the death formation.

Although she has no clue so far, Ye Yayan knows that this is not the death array that Han Feng has outlined!
"Han Feng, are you sure you are drawing the death array?" Ye Yayan's words made Han Feng look at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant.

"If what you sketched is the death formation, then we are not in the death formation, but other formations!" Ye Yayan said with certainty.

She can guarantee this sentence with her personality!

"It's not the death formation!" Han Feng's first reaction when he heard Ye Yayan's words was excitement and happiness. If it wasn't the death formation, it would be easy to handle, but soon, he The smile on his face froze. If it wasn't the death formation, then what is the formation that traps them now?
"It's not the death formation. It's a formation that I haven't seen before. It's very weird!" The weirdness Ye Yayan said hasn't happened yet, at least it's just death.

The dead air permeated the whole body, making people very uncomfortable. Most importantly, she found that the formation seemed to have changed.

If there was such a formation before, then the formation they are wrong with now is not the previous one.

It's not that she has never seen a formation that can change automatically, but this time the formation is a bit high-end.

Could it be that she wants to seek Bai Ze's help?

She can't disturb Bai Ze at this time, even if she has nothing to do, she still has to fight for it, at least, not to seek Bai Ze's help now!

(End of this chapter)

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