Chapter 661 Ten years of waiting turned into nothingness
At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Yayan's mouth. The smile was very deep, but it was shocking.

In the end what happened?
At least, Han Feng couldn't understand it anymore!

Mu Wan, for the sake of the Yaozu, even gave up her daughter. Sure enough, as the king of the Yaozu, the Yaozu is the most important thing in everything.

Couldn't she be born with a mother's love?

It was then, and it is now!

Sadness swept over her body at this moment.

Han Feng looked at Ye Yayan who fell into the desolation, and he couldn't understand it, but he knew that now, he couldn't say anything, he could only stand quietly.

"Mu Wan, have you been among the demon clan?" After a long time, Ye Yayan spoke again, but before, her voice was full of anticipation, but now, her voice is flat without any ups and downs , as if talking about others, so indifferent, it surprised Han Feng and Zhao Lei.

If before, Ye Yayan was the kind of person who wanted to get his mother's attention, then now he is completely letting go. Such a change is a bit unacceptable for a while.

"Yes!" Although Zhao Lei felt strange, he quickly answered Ye Yayan's question. In his opinion, he didn't need to pay attention to Ye Yayan's mood swings.

Although she had already guessed the truth, after Zhao Lei said this word, Ye Yayan still couldn't bear it. In fact, she also felt worthless for this body.

After waiting for ten years, looking forward to ten years, she originally thought that Mu Wan would come back to find her, so she just waited and looked forward to it, but she didn't know that Mu Wan didn't actually leave this continent, but was only in the demon clan. .

The ten years of waiting turned into nothingness. At this moment, Ye Yayan didn't know how she felt. Her heart hurt slightly, and her face turned pale.

This feeling is like being stabbed severely with a knife, it's terribly uncomfortable!
Fortunately, Ye Yayan's rationality still exists, otherwise, he doesn't know what he would do.

"Ye Yayan, it's okay!" Han Feng patted Ye Yayan's shoulder, he could understand the pain in Ye Yayan's heart at this moment, and he also knew what Ye Yayan wanted to do now, but he couldn't.

This feeling is absolutely fatal.

"Hehe... Between the Yaozu and her daughter, she chose the Yaozu!" When Ye Yayan said this, her body was full of sadness, but she soon adjusted her emotions.

If this is the case, she has nothing to call Beiqiu Huafan.

Mu Wan can give up, so can she.

"Zhao Lei, have you figured out how to die?" Suddenly, Ye Yayan changed the subject, and Zhao Lei was caught off guard by this change.

He thought that he was safe and sound, at most he was only slightly injured, but he didn't expect that Ye Yayan was still unwilling to let him go, and even said it so blatantly.

"Ye Yayan, you don't keep your word!" Zhao Lei looked at Ye Yayan with cruel eyes.

"Did I promise anything?" From the beginning to the end, she never promised Zhao Lei anything, she didn't even say to let him go, but he took it for granted that he would be saved.

is it possible?
After teasing and teasing overnight, does he still have a reason to live?

Furthermore, this person's mind is not pure, and if he stays, he will only become a burden to the monster clan. Regardless of the angle, Zhao Lei must die!
" can't treat me like this, I still have something to say..." Zhao Lei panicked after realizing that Ye Yayan had really intended to kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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