The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 666 Strong Chapter Return

Chapter 666 Strong Return
When the teleporter was activated, Ye Yayan and Han Feng disappeared into the cave, together with all the treasures.

At the moment Ye Yayan and Han Feng left, the treasure that shone with evil spirit also disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. Neither Ye Yayan nor Han Feng had seen such a scene, because they had already appeared in front of them at this time. outside.

"Go, go to Ye's house!" As for other things, Ye Yayan wanted to put them aside for a while, after all, finding Mu Wan was the key.

What Ye Yayan didn't know was that there was a huge storm in the Ye family at this time.

The main house of the Ye family that was once destroyed has finally returned to its "thriving" state with the joint efforts of the rest of the Ye family!
Mu Wan, who had disappeared for 11 years, unexpectedly appeared in Ye's family, and she still appeared in front of them in such a powerful manner.

Such Mu Wan was something they had never seen before!
Such Mu Wan is something they can't bully at all!
This kind of Mu Wan is what they want to look up to!

This kind of Mu Wan is the Mu Wan they used to know?
Although she has exactly the same face, such Mu Wan is so strong that they are afraid.

Only Ye Hongguang looked at Mu Wan bewilderedly. This kind of Mu Wan was the one he knew very well!
"Mu Wan, you're back!" Ye Hongguang just looked at Mu Wan stupidly, his eyes full of admiration.

Mu Wan, Mu Wan, and Ye Hongguang kept talking, 11 years, Mu Wan has been away for 11 years, originally thought that she would never come back, but did not expect that she would appear in front of him so abruptly, with such A powerful posture appeared.

In fact, Mu Wan's appearance is really not that powerful.

She just shattered the door and walked in directly through the door. It's just that her posture, compared with the previous cautiousness, shocked everyone.

Although the former Mu Wan was Ye Hongguang's concubine in name, she was naturally not someone who could be bullied by servants, and Mu Wan was deeply loved by Ye Hongguang. However, such an identity made her status embarrassing. Before Hong Guang didn't know, Mu Wan was bullied by a group of people, and later even the servants were able to bully her.

Therefore, at this time, Mu Wan appeared in front of everyone with such a strong posture, which still made everyone a little unbearable.

Just imagine, a person who is extremely cowardly, actually appears in front of the crowd with this appearance, such a gap is too great.

"Ye Hongguang, what about the things you promised me, huh?" Mu Wan's voice remained the same without any change, but such aura fell on everyone's eyes, making them unable to take their eyes off Mu Wan.

At this moment, they just want to know one thing, is the Mu Wan in front of them the same Mu Wan from before?

Why, is she so domineering?

Wait, what did Ye Hongguang promise Mu Wan?
At this moment, everyone's eyes began to look at Ye Hongguang!
"Is this the only reason you came back?" After hearing Mu Wan's words, Ye Hongguang's eyes looked sad.

He originally thought that the purpose of Mu Wan's return was to find him, but he didn't expect that her purpose was still only that thing.

"Yes!" Mu Wan replied clearly to Ye Hongguang's words.

"This purpose doesn't include your daughter?" Ye Hongguang deliberately emphasized the word "your" in a heavy voice.

"Yes!" Mu Wan said without the slightest hesitation, as if Ye Yayan was not in her mind at all.

(End of this chapter)

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