Chapter 670

I don't know why the fragments of the altar became the heirloom of the Ye family for no reason. You must know that the inheritance of the Ye family did not last for a year or two, and the altar was shattered before she fell on the Yuntian Continent. Can't figure it out.

Fortunately, she doesn't care about such things that she doesn't understand. What she cares most about is the fragments of the altar.

Unfortunately, at that time, she didn't even have the possibility to protect herself, so she could only settle down in Ye's house.

And she also understands that the only person who wants the pieces of the altar is the Patriarch of the Ye Family.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the following things. With Mu Wan's methods and Mu Wan's appearance, Ye Hongguang was soon so fascinated that he didn't know what he was doing.

However, although Ye Hongguang was also the head of the family at that time, his ability was not as strong as it is now. Naturally, Mu Wan didn't get much benefit from Ye Hongguang. The only benefit was the birth of her daughter Ye Yayan.

Although nothing happened between Mu Wan and Ye Hongguang, in Ye Hongguang's eyes, Mu Wan's daughter was his daughter, and Ye Yayan's talent after birth really made him ecstatic.

The talent is amazing, such a genius child is actually "his" daughter, at that moment, Mu Wan and Ye Yayan are honored and humiliated.

Mu Wan was naturally watching the pieces of the altar all the time, but what was depressing was that although her strength was recovering day by day, she couldn't get close to the pieces of the altar at all.

Originally thought it was because her strength had not fully recovered, and there were still some problems with the blood of the Demon King, so she hibernated.

This dormancy is six years.

Six years, she spent six years, but she didn't get what she wanted. Seeing Ye Yayan grow up day by day, and seeing her eyebrows and eyes becoming more and more like that person, she finally made up her mind. Ye's things can't be taken away, so leave and look for other things.

However, before that, she had to ask Ye Hongguang to make a promise, a promise to give her the family treasure.

She didn't know why she did that at the time, but she still made a move. Perhaps after watching the Yaozu be destroyed, she had a psychological problem.

She actually attacked her own daughter.

Yes, she did it!
She didn't know why she attacked Ye Yayan at that time, she only knew that she needed a promise from Ye Hongguang.

Mu Wan's attack was nothing but poison, the toxin in Ye Yayan's body.

Soul Devouring Poison!

Perhaps, Ye Yayan will never know until she dies that the toxin in her body was injected by Mu Wan in order for her to take away the family heirloom of the Ye family.

If Ye Yayan knew at this time that the toxin that she had suffered so much and the toxin that curbed her talent was caused by her mother, Mu Wan, what would happen?

She, Mu Wan, as the king of the demon clan, has a lot of means, and this is not the only way to win Ye Hongguang's bet, but she chose the most extreme one because of her mental problems.

At this time, in her mind, there is only Yaozu, nothing else.

Ye Yayan was under Mu Wan's single-handed control, and was abolished!

Completely useless!
She became an outcast of the Ye family, but she also won the original bet, which is why she came back after 11 years.

Take the fruits of her victory.

"Mu Wan, are you sure you want it?" After holding the heirloom in his hands, Ye Hongguang looked at Mu Wan and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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