The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 679 Good words to persuade

Chapter 679 Good words to persuade
"Whether you're from the Ye family or not, it's better to leave than to stay, Zihan, I'm afraid I'm leaving too!" She wanted to find a place to make a breakthrough, her strength was flawed.

Mu Wan, she has no expectations, so she needs to find a place to seek a breakthrough. Only when she breaks through to the god level can she leave this continent.

"You want to leave? Where are you going?" Ye Zihan's face became quite ugly when he heard Ye Yayan say this.

Ye Yayan, she is leaving, and it seems that she will never come back from what she said.

"I want to find a quiet place, break through, I want to leave this continent!" This is the first time she has told others that she wants to leave this continent.

Li Tianxing, she won't let her go.

Whether he is alive or dead, she must know.

"Leaving this continent, you must break through to the god level, don't you?" Could it be that Ye Yayan's strength is about to break through to the god level?

"Not yet, but it should be soon!" You Lan has already prepared something to break through, and now, she only needs to find a quiet place to break through.

"Zi Han, this is something I prepared for you, and I promised you!" Ye Yayan took out several artifacts from the Youlan Space. These artifacts were specially selected by her, and they were all for Ye Yayan Zihan and the others prepared it.

Once, she promised them that she would give them some artifacts.

"Sacred artifacts?" Seeing Ye Yayan taking out one piece at a time, Ye Zihan's eyes were obviously in disbelief. He even felt that there was something wrong with his eyes, otherwise, why would he see such an artifact.

"Well, the artifacts are for you, keep them!" Since it was a promise, she will definitely fulfill it, not to mention these artifacts have been prepared for them long ago.

It was not given before, for various reasons, but now, there is no reservation.

Ye Zihan just looked at Ye Yayan without doing anything, he knew that maybe Ye Yayan had made up his mind this time, and she really wanted to leave here.

He didn't even think that the distance between him and Ye Yayan would be so far. Now Ye Yayan is no longer the former Ye Yayan. She is an eagle. At this time, she is ready to fight the sky , and he...

Thinking of his state at this time, Ye Zihan fell silent.

"Zi Han, here is the auxiliary pill. Although the pill can help you advance, it is three-point poisonous. If it is not necessary, it is better to take it less!" Ye Yayan took the prepared pill Handed it to Ye Zihan and instructed.

After this time, she will do a big one. I am afraid that after she appears in the world again, she will not have anything to do with other people, so she has to arrange everything after that.

"Zi Han, if my guess is right, the Yuntian Continent will be in turmoil. Although there are heroes in troubled times, if you don't have complete strength, you should go and stay in the muddy water!" After Mu Wan appeared, she knew that the Yaozu To be born.

The monster clan that has withdrawn from the stage of history will return again. It is conceivable that the appearance of the monster clan will bring about such a devastating blow. Therefore, if possible, she hopes that Ye Zihan will leave here and stay away from the world. hustle and bustle.

"After you leave, I will also choose to retreat. Before I have no strength, I will never come out!" Ye Zihan looked deeply at Ye Yayan, his eyes full of determination.

God level is also his goal!
(End of this chapter)

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