Chapter 683
"So many!" Ye Yayan couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth as he looked at the things You Lan had prepared.

If she swallows these things, I am afraid that she will explode and die. A person's ability to bear is limited. Even if she has a special constitution, she can't bear so much strength. You must know that the things You Lan brought out are all good. Things, the most important thing is that the spiritual power of these things is absolutely huge.

Even one of them is enough to shock people, let alone so many.

Is this the rhythm to kill her?

"Not much, if I don't think you can't bear so much, I'm afraid it's more than that!" The corners of You Lan's mouth curled up, and the eyes that looked at Ye Yayan were also full of disdain.

If it wasn't that her small body couldn't bear so much strength, I'm afraid he would take out more.

"Give me time to adjust!" After swallowing so many things, she might not be able to wake up in a short time.

"Follow me!" He has already arranged this little matter, and she doesn't need to worry about it at all. Besides, she can't rest assured that he is doing things!
"Master, I have increased the time ratio. With your current strength, as long as you absorb these things thoroughly, you will have a chance to break through to the god level. Of course, when the power of these things wanders in your body, Go ahead and don't resist, the only thing you need to do is to absorb, even if the seven orifices are bleeding, you have to bear it!" It was rare for You Lan to say so much in one breath, and Ye Yayan nodded without interrupting.

Of course she will endure it, endure it!
Ye Yayan is a person who can be ruthless to herself, so naturally, she swallowed what You Lan offered in one go.

After swallowing everything into her stomach, Ye Yayan found that she still underestimated herself. After the power of these things completely exploded in her body, she found that her body seemed to explode.

Endure, must endure!
Hold on, must hold on!
Ye Yayan clenched his fists, sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the strength in his body.

When all the strength gathered together, finally, her body couldn't bear it, and blood kept flowing out from the seven holes.

After a while, Ye Yayan turned into a blood man.

The loss of blood made Ye Yayan's face turn pale, and You Lan couldn't bear to see that miserable appearance for a while, but he also understood that if he wanted to become a master, he had to go through a lot of hardships.

Fortunately, Ye Yayan has a firm mind, and if it were an ordinary person, he might not be able to bear it.

Of course, You Lan is also watching people order, otherwise, he wouldn't have given out so much.

Time flies by, ten years in the outside world, a hundred years in the blue space, Ye Yayan was confined in the blue space for a hundred years, but fortunately the time was exchanged, otherwise, it would have been a hundred years of silence.

In a hundred years, a lot can change. Even in just ten years, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially in the recent period when the monster clan was born, causing the entire Yuntian Continent to be bloody, but Ye Yayan in the blue space knew nothing about it, and she was making the final breakthrough.

A breakthrough is imminent, and it is also ready to go!


A scream followed by a click sounded in Youlan Space. Hearing the sound, Youlan smiled, and finally broke through!

It took a hundred years, and finally broke through to the god level!

(End of this chapter)

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