Chapter 687 A Letter
This day is a rare day for the City Lord's Mansion. You must know that Venerable Tianxing, the strongest man in the mainland, appeared in the City Lord's Mansion. Even if they may not be able to see him, everyone is still willing to wait here, because this is The closest place to Venerable Skystar.

Ye Yayan frowned unconsciously as he looked at the crowded city lord's mansion.

So much so, how should she make a move?
Using poison, she thought about it, but it would implicate other people.

Although she had a reason to want to kill Li Tianxing, she couldn't do it if these innocent people were implicated.

What should she do?
If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid the next shot will be difficult.

"Master, with your strength, can't you sneak in?" Although Ye Yayan's god level was accumulated by external force, but there is no side effect, and compared with the general god level, her strength is a little stronger.

Naturally, there is no difficulty in entering the City Lord's Mansion.

"You can go in, but I don't know how to do it?" This is the key. It is not difficult at all to enter the City Lord's Mansion, but she doesn't know how to deal with Li Tianxing.

"Stupid!" Bai Ze had no choice but to speak, for such a simple and easy thing to do.

"Good advice!" Ye Yayan waited wholeheartedly for Bai Ze's good opinion.

"The city lord's mansion should need a maid, so let's enter the city lord's mansion as a maid, and then... needless to say, you should know how to do it, right?" Bai Ze didn't say a specific plan, but just suggested it casually.


Ye Yayan frowned when she heard these two words, not that she would not play the role of maid, but that she did not want to use the role of maid to appear in front of Li Tianxing.

"Master, although I don't know what enmity that person inside has with you, but what I want to remind you is that that man's strength is above yours!" When Bai Ze entered here, he had already locked his eyes on With Li Tianxing, it is natural to know that Ye Yayan is not as powerful as Li Tianxing. In addition, this place is obviously his territory now, so it is very difficult to kill him.

"Master, let me send you the challenge letter!" Just as Ye Yayan was thinking about whether to approach Li Tianxing as a maid, An Yi suddenly said this.

Hearing An Yi's words, Ye Yayan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, challenge book!
She hadn't thought of that.

"There is no need for a challenge letter, but a letter is indeed to be sent!" Thinking of this, Ye Yayan showed a complicated smile on the corner of his lips.

Li Tianxing, when you see the letter I sent you, what kind of reaction will you have?
I'm afraid it looks like a ghost?

If the roles were reversed, perhaps, she would indeed be startled, and if her heart was not good, maybe she would be shocked to have a heart attack!

Ye Yayan found a place with few people, and wrote a letter in a hurry, a letter to remind her to die.

"An Yi, I'm counting on you!" Ye Yayan handed the written letter to An Yi.

"No problem, we promise to complete the task!" An Yi led the order and left.

"Master, are you ready?" Ye Yayan seemed to forget her shrewdness and intelligence after entering this continent, and she became a woman who rushed forward, a woman without brains.

"Prepare, I've been ready since then!" To deal with Li Tianxing, you don't need to prepare, you only need to have a will to die!

(End of this chapter)

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